Monday, August 31, 2009

MMM: In Stitches

Fabric and batting mounted on 9 x 12 canvas

The first thing that came to mind when challenged to do a piece incorporating Stitches, was a picture I took in Kendra's second year in which she was laughing so hard, she seemed to be "in stitches."

I printed the picture onto fabric with Golden's Digital Ground for Non-Porous Surfaces and attached it -- along with several other pieces of fabric -- with my version of sewing. I used several colors of thread and several different types of stitches, purposely doing so in a haphazard fashion. This technique worked especially well since the last thing I remember sewing was a button. Or did my Mom do it for me?

Well, whatever the case may be, I so appreciate the chance to learn and grow from the prompts given from Thank you for looking! I look forward to next week . . .


  1. Kristin - this is a wonderful piece! Love the double interpretation of the theme - "in stitches" and real stitches as well :-) Diane

  2. I agree with Diane, the double interpretation is great. Your stitch-work is very nice, too. I love the texture and color the stitches bring. It's lovely.

  3. This is brilliant and a fantastic idea!!! I love the photo,she's such a cutie!!Wonderful work and thank you for your visit to my blog it's so nice to meet new people out there in blog land!!
