Sunday, January 24, 2010

Art Tags for You!

First 3 to comment will win
As my Valentine's gift to you, I am offering these Art Tags to the first three people who would like them. Last month, I was the lucky recipient of one of three Art Tags that Peggy Gatto gave away on her blog and and now, as promised (finally), I am paying it forward.
If you would like to participate, please leave a comment and I will later ask for your address so that I may send it to you. And if you too would like to pay it forward, please do so. Take your time and have fun . . .
To see the original inspiration, please visit the talented Peggy at I know you will love her work (and spirit) as much as I do!


  1. Is this still open? I would love to win one. I think it is a great idea and these are lovely.

  2. Oh, I thought these would CERTAINLY be gone!

    Lucky me, glad I browsed around..

    Pam Hoffman at cox dot net OWOH#1083

  3. This is so lovely! I would do this for a Valentine's day. have a look here for my stuff!
