Friday, April 16, 2010


Kendra Ann, last week

My kid's obsessed with gum. I know it's controversial, but she has been chewing her little heart out for about a year now. What you don't know about Kendra is that she is highly allergic to a lot of foods. Hospital - allergic: we've been in and out numerous times. So when we find something that's fun for kids that she can have, we let her go for it . . .

Which brings us to the following conversation with Daddy a few days ago at the grocery store. David was at the checkout counter and Kendra was, as usual, surveying the selection of gum. "Daddy, what's all this?" He rolls his eyes, "It's gum Kendra. You know, that stuff you look at every time we're here." "Oh. I can have this?" "No, you have like, a hundred pieces at home." "Yeah, but, I can have this one too?" He looks at her, she tilts her head and looks back at him. "It's just, I don't wan this one to be lonely . . ." 


  1. They sure come up with the cutest things don't they! So sweet!

  2. I love the pink glasses!!

    Yes, there are pros and cons to chewing gum. In the dental world, where I work, we actually endorse gum chewing after meals if you can't brush your teeth. Watch for the sweeteners; I buy a gum and a mint for my daughter, who has dry mouth from one of her drugs, at the health food store, called Spry. It is sweetened with Xylitol which has shown great benefits dentally. There are some Trident gums that have this in it as well, Trident Xtra Care I believe. Trident also has gum containing Recalcadent which has been shown to help remineralize enamel, but if there is a milk allergy stay away from this one. All in all, gum chewing is not that bad for you, it is actually hard to find a gum sweetened with sugar. Stay away from the aspartame gums, there are problems with seizures.

    Your daughter is so sweet and isn't it delightful to hear how our children look at the world?

    Well, so much for my lecture, you have probably investigated all of this yourself!


  3. She's so adorable. You must really be enjoying her. What a blessing. Huh?

  4. She's so sweet--it's so funny how kids get so attached to some particular thing, and they're all different too!

  5. she is such a dollface..gosh, those glasses are the cutest glasses I've ever seen in my life!!!
    Kids are magical..they are always in a different world!

  6. She is so over the top cute!!!!!
    I understand about being highly allergic, my husband has this problem.He has to carry an epi- pin.
    Very cute story....I love them when they are at this age!

  7. Oh gosh Kristen, she is soooo cute! I think my daughter and yours would get on like a house on fire, shes almost 5 and also got pink glasses just like Kendra! Loved reading that sweet sweet story

  8. She is the cutest little girl!!! I love her in this cool with her pink glasses and gum!!!

  9. heheheh what a funny little character! How could daddy resist that!!? My 6 year old Rhys has just discovered gum. It's so funny how he thinks he's so cool with it. I think there are far worse things that we could be giving our kids gum isn't so bad and kids need to be kids eh?
    I too love her little glasses by the way!! ;0)
