Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Artistic Mother's Group

"Grady Joseph"
The Artistic Mother's Group: Project 6

Project 6 of The Artistic Mother's Group is to create a Nameplate out of a 6 x 8 canvas board, 4 x 6 landscape photo and handmade papers. This week I used a picture of Kendra's second cousin Grady Joseph. I tried to do something a bit more rustic and masculine (to match the subject) while at the same time keeping it pretty (for the recipient). 

The inspiration was taken directly from Shona Cole's  new book, The Artistic Mother. I created new handmade papers for this one and used a vintage dictionary entry (with word Grow) to keep it interesting. Other materials used were black acrylic, a text stamp (on the chipboard letter), wax crayons, wire, eyelets and a bit of black glitter. The coolest thing I learned today was that if I sprinkled a bit of glitter on the wet ink as it comes out of the printer, it sticks! A new discovery for me! Final touches included a smudge of acrylic on the hanging wire and a coat of archival varnish.

Thank you for looking! I am working on Kendra's version which I will post next week. . .

Kristin xo

P.S. Yeah! Spell check is back on blogger! Whew . . .


  1. Very,very nice. I really enjoy reading your posts on this group we are in. I really want to learn about this type of art. I'm finding out you just dive in.hehe....really though, I enjoy your style of art, very nice!

  2. I prod And probe hear lobe goad to load
    And know of kind mind to find grind
    For sights delights heights sowed
    For everlasting peacefull find!

    HeyI is sigh 2 fly try MI end friend! Love love Andew.

  3. sneaking in so much for your beautiful thoughts...they meant alot...xxxnow...i just love this name plate...must get my hands onto /into...some paint soon.....i miss it...take

  4. this is so unique - I bet he will just love it! What a great idea!

    I love his picture too - he looks fierce!


  5. Wow, you are on the ball with your projects! You rock! I love the fun colors and thank you for the great tip about fresh printer ink and glitter. I did not know that, how awesome!!!


  6. This is so lovely! And how nice you made this for Kendra's second cousin. I bet he'll love it!

  7. Too Cute! What a great face!
