Thursday, August 12, 2010

Art Unraveled - Class 2

with Traci Bautista
(all photos taken with permission from the artist)

My second class at Art Unraveled was with Traci Bautista, an amazing artist and instructor who has her own line of products as well as being the author of Collage Unleashed. Her class was fun and fast-paced and I left with several layered backgrounds by the end of the day. She shared with us her tips and techniques on creating luscious, bold backgrounds that had a lot of texture and personality. We collaged on to paper bags, pieces of fabric and used mail packages as our canvas. It was a freeing experience and I know that I will take away a lot from the day.

Here are some pictures to show you the process . . .

Instructor demonstration
Some of Traci's examples - Stunning, right?
Some of my backgrounds in progress
My table by the end of the day

On to Kelly Kilmer's "Wisdom Book" tomorrow . . .

Kristin xo


  1. dont cha just LOVE Traci? I have her DVD-Retro Rags, and watch it over and over. I love how she uses everything, there is no waste. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. wooot..I'd love to learn those backgrounds..fabulous'o!!!!

  3. Wow, great backgrounds! I love that you got so much out of your time at Art Unraveled. Can't wait to see what comes next :)

  4. Dear Kristin

    First, thank you so much for visiting! and for your sweet offer about the coloured staples. I got lucky yesterday in WH Smiths (do you remember that shop?)- got a mini stapler plus coloured staples for £1.25 ....bargain :) Now packed in my 'not make up bag'!!!!!

    I love your backgrounds and I love doing backgrounds cos for me they often lead the way to the project..... normally some months after I did them. Plus, its always fun to get nice and messy.

    I can tell yours are the start of something really good..............

    Thank you for sharing!


  5. What a creative experience for you! Thank you for sharing, Kristin.

  6. Kristin yours turned out fabulous! This is so fun sharing this journey with you!


  7. oooh, nice!!!!
    i must sign up for next year. what a great experience you've had. keep the stories coming!!!

  8. i am so stink'n excited for you. this is it. this is what your creative side was suppose to do. you are such an artist. i love it. off to read and see more :O)

  9. Woot..backgrounds are most the colors..full of life!
