Sunday, September 19, 2010

MMM: Buttons

"Cute as a Button"
9 x 12 Journal Page
(you may click to enlarge)

This week Mixed Media Monday challenges us to create a piece of art that in some way incorporates buttons. I wasn't sure how I was going to do that as, like most of us, my button collection is rather large and sometimes having too many choices makes it difficult to decide where to start. So I went with the idea of choosing just one rather simple looking button and building a environment around it. Since the first journal page in my wallpaper book featured a Mama Bird, I decided to do the same here. This piece symbolizes the hope to fill our nest again with a cute little button of our own . . .  

The journal page above was created with watercolor paper and decorative wallpaper that was distressed and "aged" using watered-down acrylic and brown and white acrylic splatters. I then added a pulled and painted ribbon to ground my little Mr. and Mrs. The nest was made with a more acrylic in addition to bits and pieces of string, ribbon, wire and fabric. The baby button was sewn with hemp and glued onto the nest. 

Thank you for looking! I look forward to seeing all the creative displays of buttons this week . . .

Kristin xo


  1. So very sweet Kristin and I love the message behind it...certainly hope it comes true :)
    that wallpaper is divine...

    Jenny x

  2. Kristin this is so sweet,love your birds there looks at the baby button.

  3. HOw lovely, wonderful colours and images.

  4. You said it all --- it's cute as a button! Started my day with a smile.

  5. This is so sweet! I'm always amazed by the things you come up with. This is adorable.

  6. Oh yes, definitely cute as a button - just like you and Kendra!

  7. HI Kristin, Thanks for the heads up over at MMM about me being in the sampler! yay..I love fun fun to see.

    Your momma bird and daddy bird are so special. I to hope one day you are blessed with a new button to add to your lovely home! I will say a quick prayer for you and your family..You are always on my mind in hopes for a new baby to love!
    You will have so many wonderful memories with these journal pages to look back on. Hugs

  8. so darn it girl and the meaning behind it...!!!

  9. So sweet and special. I love that you chose to use just one button, knowing me I would've had button overload! : )


  10. Too cute! The button works perfectly in the little nest and I love their branch! Cheers!

  11. Seriously, you should always be painting.. always! Your work is wonderful!

  12. Such a sweet baby button! The momma and papa are pretty cute too!
    Inka :)

  13. Sweet, sweet piece. I love it :)


  14. and indeed it is...cute as a button. So sweet :)

  15. This is indeed as cute as a button, Kristin!
