Monday, October 25, 2010


WIP: 5 x 8 Moleskine Journal
"Alice knew there'd be hell to pay"

I have an idea. Inspired by Willowing's class to play with faces - and armed with my beautiful new Moleskine from Carin - I've decided to complete a journal and share the pages with you here. Complete being the operative word. Oh, and share. I'm guilty of starting several journals (some with "themes" or specific techniques I want to explore) but I never really finish any of them. But this new Moleskine is so pretty and full of promise . . . I would hate to do it a disservice. So, as of today, I will be sharing my journal with you in various stages of completion. 

Here are the beginnings of page one, the working title is, "Alice knew there'd be hell to pay." I'll let you know how it turns out . . . promise . . . xo


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Kristin! I am starting an ART JOURNAL this week with my Words of Me Project...52 Weeks 52 Words. I am sooo excited!

    Have a wonderful DAY!:)

  2. Krisitn, this is an awesome idea. I suffer from starting not finishing too. This is your time to turn it all around. I'm totally in your corner- knowing THIS is one. Your drawing is great... looking forward to pages and pages of your creative work!!! xo

  3. so very pretty! don't ever feel bad about being a "starter" of many projects... my uncle, who is close to 70 says "it's not what you accomplish in this life, it's how many projects you have going when you die that counts"
    i love this theory! your doing a great job! ...blessings...s...

  4. Yipee! kristin, this is lovely...and what a great idea. Isn't Tam's class AWESOME so far? I'm going to share my first page whenever I get around to finishing it (just text at this point).

    I can't wait to see more of yours!

  5. oh I love seeing works in progress Kristin!!! this is wonderful work!!!!

  6. Lovely face! I adore Willowing's courses. *sigh* So much sweet healing in them!

    I am eager to watch your progress as you work through your new Moleskine! You CAN do it!

  7. Yay, I'm so happy the moleskine had a small part in making this idea come about. It's such a lovely idea. And your face looks wonderful already! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  8. it's a fabulous drawing at that!!! You have talent on drawing eye's..amazing!!
    I have purchased a journal..but geesh, need to find the time to play in it.
    I love seeing art journal's..they really get me inspired to get finger's dirty in paint!
