Sunday, November 21, 2010

Willowing & Friends!

"Invitation Angel"
12 x 18 cold press watercolor paper
Full page
Detail of "Trust"

The final assignment for Willowing's Art, Heart & Healing is to create an "Invitation Angel" or figure  intended to represent that which we may be lacking in our daily lives . . .

And this was very interesting for me. I started out week 4's lesson intending to soak up as much knowledge as I could while creating a pretty picture. What I didn't expect was how much the piece would really "speak" to me . . . . Let me explain: as many of you know, we are eager to adopt again and have been trying for years now to find another adoptive situation. To be honest, it has been a long, painful wait. We were connected with Kendra's Birth Mother (her "Tummy Mummy") relatively quickly just over 5 years ago and I guess we expected or hoped that it would come as easily the second time around. But that has not been the case. We waited a couple years after K was born because she was in and out of the hospital and needed our full attention. Then came the recession and an expensive adoption was not possible for us. So, I started finding other avenues to spread the word in hopes to find a Birth Mother on our own. . . Now we are ready financially and otherwise and, well . . . are still waiting. We just this month went through our county to adopt in that way (usually faster than a traditional adoption agency) and were devastated to learn that we would not even be able to begin that process until the middle of next year. So here we sit, ready and waiting . . . 

Which brings me to the piece above. What I am in need of (and a word that I have clung to in the last year) is Trust. I know that this is all happening for a reason and I know that we will adopt again. But I have to Trust that it will happen in the right time, and not just the time that I think is right. . . 

And as I worked on this little one in the last two days, I found myself really connected to her. She was given eyes the color of my husband's and tiny freckles which to me indicates youth. I choose to color her hair both blue and pink and give her the suggestion of a belly . . . and all of this was done with my knowledge but without really thinking about it. . . and when I looked at her this morning with fresh eyes, I noticed that the stripy hair on the left represented Kendra, my beautiful little tomboy. It will be really interesting to look back at this piece later in life and see if there are more hidden clues that will only become evident when our next baby is home. . . 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank Willowing for all of her efforts in bringing this beautiful community together. It has been an amazing experience, one which I hope you will consider doing yourself, if you have not joined already. She will be leaving the course up indefinitely so that everyone can benefit from the healing exercises she has so generously offered. 

Kristin xo


  1. Kristin,

    I am so moved by your art and when I read what you posted about your process.. well I am not sure if this will make sense to you or not but I just feel so proud of you. What a beautiful piece from such a beautiful heart! I feel the same as you do... I know this will happen to you and when it does it will be the right time. It is hard to wait when our hearts are full speed ahead. If my easy bake oven ever decided to back a cookie I would no doubt want to give it to sounds funny but tis true. Love to you friend. Take this time to love on you and your little family because more is headed your way, I can feel it.

  2. Oh, your beautiful picture and then you blog about it brought me to my knees in tears. I am an adopted child who adopted two. My birth family found me just four years ago and I have gathered with my birth family of twelve siblings and a living birth mother. My adoptive mother was beyond an angel and my parents raised me with all the opportunities a girl could want, but one thing: blood and bone connections. I lost my adoptive mother in 2000 and then my birth mother last November. What hurt the most was losing my adoptive mother. It was such a blow to me - you see, I had absolutely no doubt how much she loved me. That is a big thing!
    I would like to share two of your phrases, and I will give you credit for them and link to your blog:
    “"has my Mommy ever told you how I was born in her heart?"”
    "Tummy Mummy"
    This has inspired a blog entry for me for later this evening.
    Bless your great big huge and wonderful heart!

  3. My thoughts are with you dear Kristin as you wait. Your art speaks volumes. Any child would be blessed to be added to your delightful family. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. Such a beautiful angel. I love her depth and the love clearly shows in her eyes. Good thoughts to your family and may it grow with love soon!

  5. oh this makes my heart sing....what a beautiful Angel Kristin....I love Angels....and I really enjoy your are amazing!!!

  6. The angel is beautiful, but not as beautiful as the story. Adoption is an amazing thing and I think you're right - trust that it will happen and it will. Hang in there.

  7. Hi Kristen!
    I found you via Colleen (Main Street Memories) and will definitely be back! I love your work, so sweet,pretty and colorful! Wasn't Tam's class fun? I really enjoyed it!! Hope you did too!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I love your invitation Angel Kristen.

    She is beautiful, and so are your words.

    Love Karenx

  9. Such a beautiful angel and she's telling you that yes, it will happen. If you know this, then there's no doubt. She's very special.

  10. Kristin, my first reaction to your gorgeous angel was how wonderful that her hair was in pink and blue - then I read why.
    You are right to trust that things happen at the right time. I absolutely believe this. But holding out for that right time can be so tough! Hang in there. And I love her freckles and her green eyes! I'll be posting my angel in a day or two as well.

  11. Kristin, wow, she is sooo beautiful!! You can see how much love and thought went into her and this post. Just beautiful. And yes, trust. It's so hard when we want things in OUR time, on OUR schedule, but that's not what this life is about. It will all happen at THE perfect time, in HIs perfect time...just trust my friend. Sending lots of love and hugs your way! : ) Oh and i can't not mention the AMAZING texture you have here!! Wow! You can be TG2!


  12. Kristin, this is so lovely...the story and the art. I will be keeping you and your process in my thoughts, knowing that love will be present in many forms. :)

  13. It WILL come. You are so welcome Robin (TG2). (that made me laugh hard!) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    xo Batwoman (TG)

  14. Or should it be Artwoman? Maybe I'll just stick with TG! lol


  15. Oh so beautiful. It's like art poetry!!!!

  16. Oh Kristin, she is so gorgeous! I know that the energy of your intention while you created her will bring you what you so need and want - a new little child. She is a beautiful reminder to trust in the process and your needs will be met. <3 xxx
