Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ever So Busy . . .

Squeezing the most out of our final days of Summer while getting the little Slam Dunk ready for First Grade (dramatic sigh) . . . wish us (okay, me) luck: I'll let you know how it goes next week . . . 

Kristin xo


  1. be brave,, there may be tears,, yours most likely, in a blink they're are graduating,,a fun and exciting time, its just so hard to share them with the world isn't it,, but we mustn't hold them back, they are on the brink of something wonderful,, the rest of their lives,,

  2. Should I send the tissue box! Stiff upper lip girl, all will be fine. :-)

  3. The years fly by so very quickly... seems only yesterday my eldest started school and now here I am collecting her little one from school... tissues might be needed :))

    Enjoy the last of the summer...
    Jenny x

  4. Enjoy her while she's little!!

    Been thinking of you...wearing my necklace almost everyday....

  5. Kate is all excited about going to first grade at the same school as her big brother. She gets to take the bus! I am so looking forward to having time to get to long awaited unfinished projects.

  6. My mother worked full time and my little brother and sister are 16-17 years younger than me, so I would take them to school. When they started their first days, my little sister Zaneikah was more independent, I was the blubbery mess. Zaneikah told me, "It's okay, I am going to have fun, meet new friends and learn things..."

    Heath however, he was clingy and cried. He hung onto me, after I finally managed to leave the classroom, he ran out of the classroom and chased me down. EVERY first day back at school was like that for him until 5th grade... yep I baby the bubby boy. lol. It broke my heart leaving them at school. I love them more than anything!

    Hopefully you will fare better than I, but I believe you might need some tissues! *smiles*

  7. Good luck with the school, and enjoy the last few days of summer! Valerie

  8. Ahhhh, Kendra Ann will be just fine, although I KNOW you miss her. The day will go so quick and no sooner has she walked through those school gates than she'll be walking out of them again at the end of the day, hungry and full of stories!

    And yes, the school years do fly. My little boy had to start school when he was only just 4 (in the UK) and he (and I) was so upset. It has been just the blink of an eye and yesterday he started full time in his new job. 17 years old, towering above me and with a deep gravelly voice. I'm so proud of him.

    Kendra Ann will have such fun.


  9. Love that photograph!

    I cried when mine started school. Think most mums feel it more than the children do.

  10. Here in Australia kindy is the first year....but yes..be brave then cry when0 you get to the car...I hated leaving mine at school so what you feel all we mums have felt....its a huge step and its one that we all make..she will blossom and love love love it and she will be the social butterfly...what an exciting adventure for her!..big hugs for you for tomorrow...get to arting to pass the day tomorrow I would reccommend...xxx

  11. First grade happy wishes to you! I am a second grade teacher, so I understand both sides, the parent and the school. It's a big day, a big year, but you will both grow and read and love it! Sometimes children are teary as they leave mommy, but they are happy two seconds later when they see their teacher smile and find their brand new desk that they get to fill with goodies! Best to you! Tell us how it goes! Hugs, Kathy

  12. Ahh.... your post brings back sweet memories.

    I got told off the first day I took my son to school!!!

    I went home and cried!!!! Not because I got told off :)

    Kendra will be fine..... Kristin I think you better not forget the tissues:)

    It's such an exciting time, gym bags, reading bags, new friends - you are both going to enjoy it I am sure.

    Lots of love


  13. My oldest is a senior this year, so we have all kinds of firsts to go through. Life should be interesting this year. I have both of my youngest with me for one more year before I have another kid start school. Good luck with your big first grader, she will probably like it more than you do.

  14. Love that picture! And I sympathise! Aoife is starting school end of September-eek! Be strong!

  15. Terrific image Kristin. The first day is always the worst for the mother..... x

  16. Oh my goodness, I know how you feel. My little daughter just started first grade. Good thing I had my sunglasses on the first day...I couldn't fight those tears. They are "big" girls now. :) Hold tight to all those wonderful moments and I hope the first week goes well!!

  17. oh, I have been there! Be strong. ...but I really want to comment on this picture. My oldest, Kelsey, is going WOAH! and seriously, how did you put her up there? It is a really fun photo! so different and silly.

  18. Enjoy every moment and best wishes and good luck to you. It's so hard to let go. Peace and blessings to you. :)

  19. LOL, what a fun shot!! Oh my gosh, tons of luck...you & your daughter will do fantastic I'm sure :) My daughter is going into first grade as well!!! Regardless to how it goes I just know I'm going to be a wreck :( So I can totally relate to how your feeling, so many hugs to you...Can't wait to hear how it all goes!

    xo Joanna

  20. Great photo! I love it!
    I bet she'll have a blast in first grade, too. :)

  21. Great shot; so fun~ I wish I could go back to those days~
    Congrats on being in Somerset Apprentice..loved your houses~Beautiful! xXx

  22. Hope you enjoy first grade, Kendra.

  23. This photo is amazing Kristin!!! How on earth did you take it?
    And I love the photos of Kendra above too. She's adorable. And I'm glad you both survived the first day of first grade.

