Thursday, September 22, 2011

If You're Anything Like Me . . .

Vintage Book of Sheet Music, circa 1919

So I've started a new project. I think. You see, if you're anything like me, you're somewhat of a hoarder. Old pictures, vintage books, wallpaper, ledger pages, love notes, random broken pieces of well, anything that may be paramount to the success of some future art project . . . sound familiar? Well, if you're like me, then you also don't get around to actually using most of it. Fears of "ruining" something special often stops me from ever picking it up again once it makes it through the front door. . . 

Well, no longer. I. am. determined. to breathe new life into some of these things I have lying around and give them the attention they deserve. With that in mind, I've started altering a book of vintage sheet music just to see what happens. No preconceived notions, no calculated plan of completion, just fun. A place to go when I have nothing up my sleeves, but I wanna art. This is what I've done so far:

I separated the book into 10 sections. Yes, with staples (gasp!) 
But in my defense, at least I'm getting somewhere fast. . .

And this is where I left it. The beginnings of something. What, I'm not quite sure. 
But the first layer is down, ready and waiting for our next play date.
(Rocking Horse image from The Graphics Fairy)

Wish me luck. Fingers crossed, I will actually come back to it soon. I'll let you know what happens when I do . . .

Kristin xo


  1. I am A LOT like you - many projects waiting to be started, but not quite having the bravery to rip out those pages, paint over that wood, or beat up that metal. You are, once again, leading the way.

    Right, we're that hammer...........!


    What a lovely title for your altered music book - definitely one to keep visible. Sweet sweet pages, a great start.

  2. It looks good! I have a large music book, awaiting to be altered, and I don't dare start.... Valerie

  3. I have waaaaaay too many half finished projects, and yet I still keep starting new ones!

    The altered music books looks like it will be gorgeous when finished.

  4. This is such a good idea--I have TONS of books--do you strengthen the pages with gesso?

  5. I can relate to everything you just said. I have been thinking this way as well. I have soooo many cool things just waiting for me to play!

    Wonderful inspiration. And I adore working with sheet music.

  6. I tho.k I collect the wrong things and I need to have. A huge will do me good...the kids are on hols now so plenty if time....I love what you are doing to the book...xxxensedusf

  7. I love how old music and writing look. I haven't really collected them yet, but I am going to keep my eyes open for them now. I like how you have started your project and eagerly await more pictures as you work on it.

  8. beautiful and I'm looking forward to see what comes next,

  9. Loving your music book, such a fab start. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  10. Yes, it does sound familiar! :-D
    And actually; today I picked up a few "new" (for me that is!) vintage books from my job. Someone gave away a whole bunch of them, and I could barely contain my self. So now I only need to figure out what to do with them all. Ha, ha! Your book pages looks great!! Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  11. Projects all over the studio half finished here too. Sometimes I just want to play but not commit! lol Love where this is going.

  12. Oh yes, sounds very familiar!

    I'm hoping to rework my workroom over the next year (a little bit at a time) so I keep trying to only use things from my stash to cut down on what I will have to move around. It's challenging but fun.

    Great start to the page- I love the rocking horse image!

  13. Wow, am I ever lovin what you do with this newfound mojo! You always make me smile and think...and wish I could find a smidgen of free time to relax and create. I have no mojo, no energy, blah blah blah! When theses eleven hour work days end...I will be back. I hope!

  14. this looks amazing.. You go girl..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. LIKE it so far - you are more brave than me - I have the same issues! But you'd NEVER ruin anything - your art is just great! Kristin J

  16. Th

    This project has gotten off to a lovely start...

    I know exactly what you mean about using up your 'good' stuff.

    Look forward to seeing more :)


  17. Yeah Kristin brave girl! Many of us are the same..oh I did laugh reading your post. Adore your start - keep going!
