Thursday, April 26, 2012

Paint Party Friday (Week 7)

"I. Am. Yours."
9 x 12 Watercolor paper

It's PPF!

And I'm on a bit of a roll in that I actually completed the pieces I told myself I would two weeks in a row (she bows excitedly ;)  . . . Remember this one from last week?

"I. Am. Mommy"
(You can view the entire post here)

Well, the daughter version is now ready to be placed beside her. Here is the companion piece in it's entirety:

As you can see, I used the same colors in reverse and attempted to create a similar style and texture. I used a blue foil butterfly (cut in half) to mirror the bird above and created another house (this time only one, placed upside down) to tie the two together. 

Now here's the really interesting part: as most of you know, our daughter was adopted. As a result, most of my work focuses on the theme of adoption and mothering. Well, when I created the first page, I choose to include three houses on the bottom right corner. I do not know why I did that. I think it just felt "right," but at the time even I wondered what it meant, as we have only one daughter. It did not occur to me until I started photographing this second piece today that there was a reason why: we had three adoptions since Kendra was born six years ago that fell through. Each for a valid reason, each just not "meant to be," but each of which - understandably - left a little hole in my heart. However, as I see these two together - Mommy & Daughter - and read the title that I struggled to come up with (and wrote on her neck) it is very clear: 

"I. Am. Yours."

And look at that: it's "True Love!"

Thank you for your time! Check out all the art & inspiration at the party, I know I'll be there . . .

Kristin xo


  1. O.M.Fing G!!! Seriously. What a fracking fantastic post YOU!!!

  2. Love your work. You are a great soul. Well done! Happy PPF.

  3. Oh, Kristin! How I miss you! Amazing how intuitive our art is. It really is a self expression and it's often subconscious. Love these pieces and love you!

  4. These are both GORgeous!!! Look at those eyes! And I love this post. I love how these these happen. Well done my friend!


  5. Wonderful paintings, and wonderful to hear the background that makes them so special. You are mommy, she is yours. Happy PPF!

  6. i love these pieces. so textured and full of meaning. and the colors are so bold and beautiful.

  7. I love it when life leaks into our work like that and these are just to lovely and fresh... you are on a roll and happy painting...xx

  8. Lot's of love in this work - beautiful :)

  9. Your personal story and your precious girls, so interesting and beautiful. The mother and the child, each with their own colors, but linked by love.

  10. These remind me of an artist named Keene whose are I saw in SF a lot in the 1960's. HPPF!

  11. Oh Kristin - A lovely post to read. Sometimes your heart tells your hands what to create and in this case it is so true.
    Your picture is gorgeous!

  12. Oh my giddy aunt.... love this, all of it! So sweet, so beautiful, so very you. Love the colors and the story with the houses, very heartfeeling and wonderful. I love your art. You put so much feeling into it. You are lovely!! :)

  13. they are each wonderful! how fun to do a few pieces in similar colors exploring them over and over in different ways. gorgeous~

  14. Such beautiful paintings, just gorgeous. Love the colours, too! Hugs, Valerie

  15. That is just what I meant in my last comment.... the warmth of your pieces and the layers of meaning and love just shine through.

    Kristin you are an inspiration...

    Thank you for your sweet comment btw

    Hope your weekend is wonderful :)

  16. WOW! This makes me want to cry! You know I'm all for intuitive art and symbolism. And the results are stunning. And I'm so glad you saw the connection so soon. It sometimes takes me a while before I realise why I have made certain choices. Let your intuition lead you- you create amazing art!

  17. Ideas and thoughts are there, the artist adds them to his art without barely realizing. Good job. Saludos

  18. Beautiful work, but so touching when you share the meaning behind it all! Thanks truly for sharing!

  19. Incredibly beautiful Kristin... both pieces of your gorgeous art and your words... I love that you wrote on their necks... and I love the colors being reversed between the two... and the three houses... magical!!!
    Vibrant and so full of heart my friend...

    Jenny x

  20. Loving your new painting, so special. Thank you for sharing your story. Happy PPF, hugs Annette x

  21. Fabulous paintings, and so meaningful. What a lovely way to be able to express how happy your family makes you.

  22. Your work is so beautiful and I love that what you are passionate about and inspires you in life is what inspires your art also. How strange (in a wonderful, the universe is always giving us signs, kind of way) that you chose three houses and it was so relevant to the adoptions that didn't work out. I admire you hugely for adopting as the world is so full of people already and so many of them children who need a home and love from kind souls just like you.

    Really beautiful work that your daughter will be so proud of her mum for creating!

  23. Love these bright and cheerful and obviously full of love. Wanted to say so many things re adoption but it all sounds big huge hug to you... :)

  24. Meeting your goal- not once but twice- in a row! Take another bow! I adore how these look when next to each other! Fabulous details in these!

  25. Kristin, this is so fabulous, your mommy and daughter pair of paintings. I love the way you did the opposites in colors. So beautiful. Faye

  26. How wonderful touching & precious! You have a such an amazing way of portraying what you are feeling into your artwork! Bravo :)

    I can't email you either, lol :/ here's my email address... ... you can convo me through etsy too!! xoxo

  27. Your work is more and more amazing each week! Love your color palettes and the symbolism of the houses and the theme of adoption. So powerful and admirable!
    And inspiring!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  28. Beautiful work and so much love behind it. Happy PPF

  29. I love this new piece of yours. The two of them go together so perfectly. The true love on the little house is just perfect. Thank you for your comments on my blog. You are such a sweet person. I hope that you can continue to deal with stuff and keep sharing your wonderful art.

  30. Seriously! Are you kidding me with all this fabulousness??! I, ADORE that sweet daughter painting. The wings in her hair, the freckles, the connection to your life story between the two- beautiful. You are one very talented, lucky Mama. :) xoxoxo

  31. These two companion pieces are beautiful and even more so when you told the story behind them. The little True Love on the house is perfection!!

  32. Goodness me! They are absolutely AMAZING! You are one TALENTED artist!xoxo

  33. YOur work is gorgeous! Seriously! Happy PPF!

  34. Such colorful and creative paintings ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  35. Gorgeous series. I love your yellow and blue palette. Wonderful little houses too!

  36. Being adopted myself, my Mom always told me that I grew in her heart instead of her tummy...

    ...A very special and beautiful post, Kristin :)

  37. Beautiful--and the story behind them makes them even more so. Happy Weekend to you :)

  38. Absolutely beautiful - both the paintings and the meanings behind them. Stunning artwork, Kristin.

  39. Absolutely lovely pieces and awesome post! <3 I think everybody can relate to art that comes straight from the heart!

  40. Beautiful post! Your art comes from your heart!

  41. Oh beautiful...just everything....i think all the time about adoption and it is so in Australia its practically un heard have been so blessed to get one beautiful amazing perfect little dinosaur hunter....i never knew 3 times tho....big hugs my

  42. Beautiful work. I really love the use of symbolism and the special meaning behind these two pieces.

  43. She is beautiful and I find it unique when we see the symbols come out after the work is done. This happened to me, but it was kind of like an intuitive journey. It later came true...
    Art from heart is the best kind~
    So glad you shared xXx
    I still don't have my complimentary issue yet...thanks for sharing with me :D

  44. Ahhh, so beautiful -the story as expressed in verbally and visually!
