Thursday, May 24, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Week 11


First let me say how excited I am to have been selected as this week's Featured Artist for Paint Party Friday! I'm amazed and inspired week after week by all the talent showcased through PPF, and am honored to share a bit about my painting journey this time around. Thank you Kristin and Eva for your hard work, care and support of us all. Blog Land would not be the same without you!

For my submission, I wanted to create something that was colorful, quirky and representative of my most recent work. Since I've been doing a lot of long-necked ladies lately, I thought PPF might like to live there too and and since it's for a Paint Party, I decided to play with the idea of multi-colored strands of hair. The funky, glittery stars (which I seem to pop in everywhere these days) are a nod to my blog, Twinkle, Twinkle.

Wanna see more?! Well, okay then:

9 x 12 Acrylics on Watercolor

A mix of matte and iridescent acrylics, acrylic ink and fine glitter

The smudging of PPF was a last minute "accident." 
I liked the look so much, that I went back and "messed it up" even more

Thanks again to Kristin, Eva and You! I so appreciate your time and support.

Kristin xo

Looking for The Summer of Color? Read all about it here!


  1. She is amazing...oh congrats on being's not up i the first to know...hahaha....i love her hair..she is a magical girl and think the ppf is perfect smudged ...great work as always

  2. so lovely to have you representing this weeks PPF. Your lady is wonderful, i love her smooth shading in her face. beautiful and full of feeling.

  3. Perfect Pick. . . congratulations. Everything you did points to the creativity at PPF. Blessings, Janet PPF

  4. Loved reading your interview. And don't you love "happy accidents"- like your fabulous smudge? It works very well:-) Beautiful colorful painting.

  5. Congrats on being the PPF featured artist! I love your girl, especially the multicolored hair. Well done!

  6. Bravo featured artist! I will go back and read all about you there!
    The color bounces off the pages of your art! Fun to see and enjoy!

  7. Wonderful feature! Your girl is delightful! Happy PPF!

  8. She is beautiful, congrats on the feature, and happy PPF

  9. congrats on being the featured artist. it's always so interesting to hear people's journeys and yours was no exception. a make up artist must've been an interesting job! your girl today is beautiful-i love her multi-coloured hair!

  10. Congratulations on being featured Kristin. Loving your new painting, especially the multicoloured loving it. Happy PPF, Annette x

  11. This is most wonderful, Kristin. You GO!!
    xo Mette

  12. Great piece, and good to see you *heading* PPF this week! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Your work is very colorful and filled with fun! Congrats on being featured and great to have known you!

  14. BIG congrats on being featured Kristin... and oh my gosh... your gorgeous girl is adorable... her little face is so soulful... love the colored hair... and the glittery stars... so beautiful!!

    Jenny x

  15. Congrats on being a featured artist. The way you cropped the art in the first image is wonderful. So dynamic and pretty too!
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook
    Happy Horse Studio

  16. Well done being the featured artist. Wonderful artwork!

  17. wonderful interview! Love your lady!!!
    cheers, dana

  18. I love the twinkle in her eyes...Your work is simply adorable!

  19. Wonderful! I like long necks! Patsy from

  20. I love your art Kristin! :) I think you're amazing. Great interview!

  21. Beautiful!! I love her rainbow hair. Congrats on being featured!! Your work is amazing. Happy PPF

  22. rainbowlicious!!! and pink pouty lips. Quite the contrast between the background and her hair. It makes me think about being happy and bright during gloomy days. Hmmm...

  23. I like the attitude that this girl has. She looks like she is in control of her world and happy in spite of any bad that gets sent her way.

  24. Love your stars! That smudging is fabulous- I would have gone back and done more too! Congrats on being featured at PPF!

  25. How great that you were featured! And the art work is simply stunning! The contrast bewteen the background and your long-necked girl (she's becoming a bit of a signature of yours me thinks!) is so well done and jsut makes her stand out even more. And the smudged PPF-what a happy accident! Love it. Love the new summer of colour ticker too. You excited or what?!

  26. Wonderful painting, love love love the multicolor hair! And the stars!

  27. Kristin, congratulations on being artist of the week! Your face is a beautiful painting.

  28. Your long necked girl is gorgeous!!

    Loved your interview at PPF.

  29. Love the last minute smudging as well and congrats on the interview .... it was fun learning a bit more about you... I am going to check out the summer of colour thingy... looks like it will be fun, and even though it is winter here I could do with some ice cream colours to brighten it up I think...xx

  30. CONGRATULATIONS on being feature in PPF!! I love your girl, she is adorable. Great job!

  31. Lovely creations and excellent feature on PPF ~ Wow! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  32. Great interview. I love your artwork. Her brightly colored hair against the silver/gray background is beautiful.

  33. She is whimsically beautiful!! Your interview was fabulous and made me tear up!! So glad you found your true calling!!!

    Hugs Giggles

  34. Congratulations on being the featured artist on Paint Party Friday this week! Wonderful interview, full of inspiration!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  35. And it is THE perfect Paint Party piece, too! I love her hair and the sparkly 'twinkles' shimmering around her. You are an incredibly talented artist and I'm so happy you're features overr at PPF, love your style so much!!!

  36. She's a colorful girl! I'd love to borrow her hair for a week or two. It might not look as pretty on me but I'd enjoy it!

  37. Congrats for being highlighted on PPF. How exciting! I love your painting, so bright and creative. I saw the smudge and thought, how creative you are. I had no idea it was an accident. Well done, it's gorgeous! Happy PPF!

  38. Congrats on being featured on PPF. Love your girl. Lots of great color, nicely done. Happy PPF!

  39. But, of course you were chosen! Your work is cheerful and oh so pretty!

    Just like you :)

  40. Congrats on being featured at PPF...Loved your colourful and glittering works!

  41. beautiful work! The eyes are amazing!
    I have just rejoined to follow your blog, I lost all my blog lists and followers when my blog was removed, its so good to find you,

  42. Oohhh, this is sooo you! The bright fun colors that pop out and make one smile. That is how you come across. Fun, bright, shining, cheery and always making others smile and feel good. Congrats. Love the new picture.

  43. Congratulations! No wonder the chose you; this lady is BEAUTIFUL!

  44. Thanks so much for being our Featured Artist this week Kristin! Your work is so beautiful and I love this vibrant girl you created for the party! Wow!!


  45. Wow, this is gorgeous and I can see why you were a featured Artist. Here's to many more people discovering you and your beautiful work. Keep on shining :) xx
