Monday, June 4, 2012

The Summer of Color 2012!

"Everyone likes pie. But people like pie a la mode even better. 
In the pie of life, arts is the ice cream."
- Peter Krause

I scream, You scream, We all scream . . . for The Summer of Color . . . .

Ready or not, here we come - 6 weeks of color prompts, beautiful giveaways, creative connections & a rockin' community - make room for The Summer of Color 2: Ice Cream Inspirations!

What's that you say?
Beginning today - and every Monday throughout the event - we will focus on and create art based upon the luscious colors of our favorite ice cream flavors. We'll explore various color combinations working in our preferred mediums and share what we produce here. There will be weekly linking opportunities, subsequent blog hops, and a weekly giveaway open to all those who participate. 

What kinda art will we do?
There are so many ways to participate in The Summer of Color. You can create anything you want, as long as it's based upon the "flavor" of the week. You may choose to develop a body of work using the same materials each week, or mix it up and create something new each time. It's entirely up to you.

What kinds of things will we be seeing?
Last year we saw jewelry to journal pages and everything in between. If you're not sure what you want to do, check out the following links for inspiration:
Of course, there may be things you're considering that I haven't mentioned here. The thing is, if you have an art form you love, go for it. If you've always wanted to try something new, now's the time. We will learn and explore together. 

What will you be doing?
I'll be creating right alongside you, working in the same color combinations as you are. I've decided to make a decorative banner (like the one shown in the picture above) using canvas material, and will be painting a new triangle or "point" each week. If all goes according to plan, I'll have a completed banner to hang by the end of the event.

Tell me more about the colors?
We will create new art each week based upon the ice cream "flavor" I announce here. In other words, we'll all be working on the same colors in the same week. Unlike last year where we focused on one specific color, this year, we will be working with color combinations. The color prompts are for inspiration only: you can vary the hues, play with textures or throw another color in the mix should you desire. For example, if the prompt is "Rocky Road," you can use all or some of the colors depicted. You can play with the textures represented or keep it smooth. And if you feel like your piece wouldn't be complete without a pink polka dot, then I for one am not gonna stop you . . . 

So how does this work?
Thanks for asking. Every Monday, I will provide a color prompt here. You will then have a week to complete your piece based upon that prompt. You can share your work through your blog or via Flickr and then copy and paste that direct post (or Flickr feed) here. Mister Linky will be up as of next week. There will also be giveaway each week for those who participate. This year, the winners will be selected at random (using a Random Number Generator) from the link list. The winner will be announced the following week.

Anything else I should know?
A little. You are welcome to share your work at anytime. However, in order to qualify for the weekly drawing, you must link your post or Flickr feed by 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time on Sunday. Also, this is meant to be fun. No pressure. If you are away or can't participate every single week, don't worry about it. But you can always check in to see what others have created in your absence. Having said that, only those who participate may enter that week's drawing. Lastly, this is an international event. Should your name be selected for a drawing, I will happily mail it to you, no matter where you live.   

What about Facebook and Flickr?
There is a Facebook page and Flickr pool created especially for the event. In addition to our blogs, we can also post our work and do a little chit-chatting there. You do not have to belong to Facebook or have a Flickr account to play along, but if you want to totally immerse yourself into The Summer of Color, I highly recommend you check it out. The Facebook page in particular is a lotta fun.

Did you do this by yourself?
Hardly. Please allow me to thank a few people who make all this possible. Thank you to Trisha Trixie for putting together our Facebook page and helping me run the group, thank you to Michelle Wildman and The Fair Blogmother for all of our pretty Summer of Color buttons, banners and badges and thank you to Daniele Valois for being my sounding board and photography consultant (now that sounds fancy, doesn't it?) in the weeks leading up to the event. Oh, and on personal note, a big thanks goes out to my Dad who reads every single post, every single comment and who even held all of the ice cream cones as I was photographing them in 100 degree weather . . . .

On with the show!
Let's start this off right with a tiny token of my affection. For this, the opening week, I would be more than grateful if you'd help spread the word about The Summer of Color. Since the whole idea is to foster creativity, community and connection, the more people who come out to play, the better. And for helping me spread the word, I'd like to offer one randomly selected person this hand stamped vintage spoon from Kerrie Hunziker-Balma of the Wooden Hive:

"My Ice Cream Spoon"
{Special note:When I bought this spoon for you, I told Kerrie what it was for, and she kindly offered a 10% discount in her her Etsy shop to anyone who is interested. 
Use code ICECREAM10 to redeem yours}

This week only, the winner will be selected from the comments section and announced here next Monday.

Speaking of Next Monday June 11th:
Are you ready for your first color prompt? The color combination we will be working with for Week One is . . .

Rainbow Sherbet!

Bold oranges, pinks, yellows and a touch of white

You may link your work inspired by Rainbow Sherbet as of next Monday, June 11th. The Rainbow Sherbet giveaway (and you know it will be fabulous ;) will be shown at that time as well. The post will go up midnight, PST. 

So get those taste buds going and paintbrushes moving . . . our Sweet Summer has just begun!

Kristin xo


  1. I have just the right colours in my Dylusions inks

  2. I love the sound of your banner created over the weeks

    Wonderfl vibrant colours for week one - ideas stirring already

  3.'s bright and one of my favourite i am excited...i was inspired on the weekend and something came to me.....yay...have i said i am kristins

  4. Wow! This will be much fun! All though the colors are "unusual" (but yummie!!) for me so it will be quite a challenge too. Can't wait! ;)

  5. Woohoo, looking forward to this - lovely colours! Valerie

  6. The moment we've all been waiting for :) Hooray!

    Gorgeous colours - I'm thinking Twinkling H2O's..... this is going to be so much fun.

    I love the spoon btw.... so cute.


  7. I LOVE Rainbow Sherbet and these colors, Kristin. Thank yo so much for your organized letter of info for us all, and the work and time you obviously put into this. You are sweeter than ice cream! I can't wait to get started...k (oh, and, PS. I have 13 teaching days left and two more work days...til summer vacation!!)

  8. Yummo!!! Delicious color combo Kristin... my mind is abuzz with possibilities... Your banner sounds fabulous... oh and I love the spoon... YAY for Summer of Color...

    Jenny x

  9. This is delicious! As you know, I already started spreading the word.

    I'm very excited about this one. I'm thinking about bringing colors to the darkest of my writing. That should be a blast!


  10. WOW! The colours look gorgeous! Rainbow Sherbet; the name is FUN too...Excited to be a part of it... and as you said I am not too sure about being able to post all the six weeks though I would love to as I will be on my way home by the end of this month but woulld definitely try :)
    Thanks Kristin for such lovely inspiration!
    Off to spread the word :)

  11. This is so fun Kristin and so perfect for Summer--the colors are as yummy as the sherbert is! Love them--now..I'm thinkin what I can come up with?.......

  12. What a fab flavour!

    Looking forward to getting started at last :o)


  13. I can't believe a whole year has passed!! Here we are with another fun Summer of Color!! I didn't finish last years but plan on participating in everyone this year. What a FUN Challenge!!! Love the colors you chose for our first week.

    That spoon is darling, too. Thank you to all your helpers and your sweet Dad.

    Thank you for all your hard work!! Kristin...this is AWESOME!!:)

  14. What beautiful colors to begin with. I am off to contemplate. xoxo

  15. Love the colors for our first week!!

  16. Bold and happy- fantastic first scoop in the summer of color!

  17. oh, I just love the first color combination!! Just passed a shop window yesterday that is full of these colors!! Must go back to snap a pic of it today!! :) So excited to be joining in the Summer of Color this year...I'm sharing it in some of my groups and on my pages today so maybe more will join in the fun!! Thanks so much for organizing this for all of us!! :)

  18. Now I have to check my fabric stash to see what I have already and what I need to dye. I love these colors together and I can't wait until I have time to work on something.

  19. I don't think I've ever used these colors together before but I'm really excited to now! Very cool. :)

  20. Oh Kristin! I am so excited! I really have no idea what I am going to create yet, but it will probably be made of paper as I have the perfect paper for rainbow sherbet! This is going to be a crazy week for me as my oldest daughter is graduating high school and my youngest is graduating 8th grade and we have a huge party on Saturday for the oldest and her cousin so tons to do besides my full time job, but I will fit it in there somehow! Love the spoon! Thanks for the chance to win it! Now I am off to spread the word on my blog and FB!

  21. Good Morning!Yes,I remembered and made it here. Rainbow sherbet,a wonderful one to start with.I too love your idea of a banner.Oh My!the spoon is fantastic.I love it-Lets get going-Denise

  22. woo hoo we are off at last, with a wonderful colour explosion of Rainbow Sherbet........mmmm we don't have that in the UK.........which is a shame as it looks wonderful. Thank you Kristin for another wonderful adventure. Be seeing you...Annette x

  23. woohoo..can't wait..I love those got my lips smacking already..

  24. I have just bought some acrylics that I could use!! Cannot wait to start! :)

  25. Oh I am getting excited. Now I need to hurry and unpack my supplies!!! Ahhhh! And get my computer up so I can join in!

    And you are the sweetest. I nearly cries reading my name!!! Kissy Kissy! An hellllllo dad to the greatest lady!!!

  26. Yay! Now - what to do.....
    But my blog is linked to Summer of Color - hopefully we'll drive my tens of thousands of readers over - well, okay, maybe the couple of folks that read my blog will head over....

  27. It's here, it's here! The first day we have been waiting for! Oh I do luvv pink and orange - what a fabby start.

    The ice cream spoon is darling. Will do a post on my blog shortly. Hugs,

  28. Yay!! So excited. I LOVE the color combos in this one. So bright and colorful...such a wonderful way to kick off The Summer of Color. :) Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess and hugs to your helpers too.
    I actually wrote a post yesterday! Here it is :)

  29. This looks like a fun challenge! It seems like just yesterday we were doing Summer of Color 2011. I just created my "rainbow sherbet" digital collage, and am patiently (?) waiting until next Monday to post a link to it.

  30. This just happens to be the exact same colours I got for another challenge I am particpating in, it was meant to be! Be prepared to add quilts to your list of mediums! Love the spoon, reminds me of ones that my mama has!

  31. Ahhh so excited!!!! Love the banner idea, I bet that's going to awsome!! Love that spoon and OMGosh those colors!! Love! Ok gotta go I've got ideas a swimming in my head!! xx

  32. AHHHHH... this is exciting, and what a way to start off the event with a bang of color!! Great choice!!
    Looking forward to the weeks to follow!!
    Thanks Kristin

  33. Yay, Kristin!!! Such great colours to kick off summer (yours, not mine... it's winter here) I look forward to vicariously sharing summer with everyone.By the way, I eat icecream anytime... summer, winter... whatever.

  34. Oh yeah the ideas are melting into one another as we speak. Hi Kristen! You're rockin' our summer, art friend! *smiles* Norma

  35. what a fantastic idea...sounds very delicious and yummy ;)

  36. The first color combo is right up my alley -- I like things VIVID. Better get to work!

  37. Yumm!! I may have to buy a carton of it for inspiration! Brighter than my usual color palette, but I'm looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone. Thanks for doing this!

  38. I haven't seen this flavour in Australia, but I would so want to try it... how gorgeous are those colours... need to get my thinking hat on...xx

  39. Oh it looks like it will be a refreshing summer (of color!). Cant wait to get started. Thank you so much!

  40. I am so excited. And what a yummy inspirational photo.. Can't wait to create..

  41. What a fabulous flavor to start with! I'm excited about starting up. :)

  42. Hi,
    My name is Kristi, I'm Daniele's friend. She turned me onto the challenge and I'd like to join, if that's ok. Daniele said since I know her you would give me extra love :P

  43. Such fun colours for week one, and double exciting with a sneaky giveaway as well!
    I wouldn't usually use the colours you mention this week so it is a great opputunity to experiment
    x x x

  44. Oooh, what a great start, i've got my plan already, and thanks to your dad for his help with the icecream, who got to eat them all?

  45. Oooh, what a great start, i've got my plan already, and thanks to your dad for his help with the icecream, who got to eat them all?

  46. I've been looking forward to this and what a great color combo to start with! I love these colors together.....

  47. Yum I can't wait what a great challenge!

  48. This sounds like fun, love the first color combo. It does indeed look yummy.

  49. The first colors are gorgeous! I put a post up on my blog ( I think some of my readers will love to join in!

  50. oh my god...I receive that sign that I need for inspiration...I hope those colors will propulse me over my rainbow of sadness and help me to go away and make me feel again the pleasure to play with colors...let's see now...thanks xxx

  51. What a fantastic idea! Absolutely love this challenge :)

  52. Wow! Will you at the interest in this wonderful event ~ Have your button on my blog and will work on some colorful art this week ~ thanks, Kristin for being so creative ~ namaste, ^_^

    I need a new button ~ and am not very tech savy to make one ~ will try your friend ~ Great button!

  53. One of the few things I would skip a vacation for....pity my Hubby doesn't agree....haha!

    Have fun!!!!

  54. Hi Kristin, I've just posted about The Summer of Color 2! You can see it here:-

    Now I must start thinking about Rainbow Sherbet, mmmmmmmmm!


  55. Hi Kristin,

    I am so excited about the Summer of Color!!!! I have ice cream on the brain as we speak!!!! can't wait!!!! you are amazing and I am proud to have you as my artsy friend!!!


  56. by the way that spoon is adorable!!!!

  57. Ahhh, I'm able to post today! Didn't realize we waited till 6/11 to post our links for the first prompt. Guess I just got carried away with excitement and didn't catch all the rules, LOL.

  58. Love the colors this week! Made three origami window stars. They are posted on the Flickr site for the Summer of Color. Will be doing a post about them soon.

    Thanks for hosting the challenge again this year!

  59. This looks like big fun! I'm excited to get started. Glad I stumbled upon this through another blog.

  60. what a beautiful color combo, and such a great idea for the banner too :)

  61. OOoooh, this is a sweet, alluring color combo~! I have to get daughter ready for camp and then maybe I can jump in~
    Wonderful start, I <3 it xox

  62. Yay! So looking forward to this. On my way to my daughter's this weekend for a couple of weeks so may be a little late starting but I will be here.
    Love, love , love the colours this week ;0)

  63. Hi kristin :)
    Looking forward to playing along again this year ;)
    I've already started on my 'Rainbow Sherbert' and have posted about your fun Challenge Here
    Jan x

  64. OMG!!! I am SO glad to find your challenge @ Linda R's blog today. I was about to go to sleep but now I decided sleep CAN wait, LOL!!!. Am totally LOVING both colors and flavor. YUM. Thanks for the infinite possibilities!!. Hugs.

  65. Love these colors - in ice cream and paint! I will spread the word - what fun!

  66. My Rainbow Sherbet piece is half made and I've just blogged about the event. Really pleased that this is happening again, I loved last year.

  67. I swore off any challenges but I so enjoyed seeing Jo's creations last year! I'm in!

    Just blogged about the event here.

  68. Okay - so now I'm not sure where the "here" is - so I'm posting my blog here....and then I'll run over to put my photo up on Flikr

  69. OK... this is fun! Love the colors. Mine's done and is going up on my blog for Friday. Thanks for hosting this Kristin!!!

  70. I am heading out of town tomorrow for the weekend so here is mine!
    Can't wait to see what every one else has come up with.

  71. Gosh this sounds like fun, I'd love to join in this year. BJ

  72. How yummy does that ice cream look? I love ice cream and I can't wait to join in!!

  73. Gorgeous colors and a wonderful way to start the Summer Color Challenge. Thanks very much for organizing it all, already have had a go at my first with matching colors and enjoyed the journey. xx Look forward in seeing what everyone else has created, till linky time. :) Enjoy xx Blog entry soon to follow

  74. What a FAB idea - Ice cream AND art - heavenly! I'm new to this challenge and I am really looking forward to joining in - can't wait to see how everyone interprets the gorgeous colour scheme.

  75. Wheee! I loved this color combination - I just posted it as part of PPF :)

    Great big thanks to you and all of your helpers... This is going to be fun!


    p.s. I hope your Dad got to eat the ice cream he was holding!

  76. So inspired by the colour combination (never even seen the icecream - LOL) That I just HAD to make an ATC this evening. I live in a boys world generally so having a pink moment has been great - Thanks BJ

  77. It's going to be hard to beat this color combination! I might have to keep using it for a while.

  78. This is very exciting I look forward to participating since I am such a color freak!!I think I did mine just in the nick of time!!

    Thanks for hosting this great challenge! It's so fun meeting new artists!!

    Hugs Giggles

  79. So happy to be here. Last year I joined but couldn't make it (just a few) because it was a difficult summer but this is a new year...and I love ice cream plus this gives me the opportunity to practice my new patterns after graduating form The Surface Pattern Design Course! Thanks for hosting this adventure again!

  80. So happy to be here. Last year I joined but couldn't make it (just a few) because it was a difficult summer but this is a new year...and I love ice cream plus this gives me the opportunity to practice my new patterns after graduating form The Surface Pattern Design Course! Thanks for hosting this adventure again!

  81. Thanks so much for the great information! Love the spoon; and the banner idea. I have some alcohol inks in those yummy rainbow sherbet colors just screaming my name!

  82. The colour of this ice cream is the colour of happiness :)

  83. Love these colors! Thanks so much

  84. so fun! I have posted my first entry:

  85. Hi again Kristin

    I've posted about the Summer of Colour on my blog here

    love Karenx

  86. Hi, I finished a piece using those wonderful colors... Here is the link to my blog.

  87. ooooh, i must join in ...i have been creating a colleciton of pink orange and turquoise, will try to add something in your tones! LOVE this concept and would love to join! thanks i am glad i saw this!

  88. Just put the link on my sidebar and my first entry!!!
    I love this idea, my 2nd year!!!

  89. Hi Kristin! This is so great and although I am in the middle of moving my studio..ugh.. I will do my very best to participate! I've looking foward to this second year!

  90. Here's where I spoke about the challenge in my blog...

    Got delayed, I had put up the button earlier though :)
    Waiting for tomo' for the linky :)

  91. This is my favorite color combo!

    And your photo looks delicious!

  92. Hello from France
    I am very happy to welcome you!
    Your blog is accepted in the USA in a minute!
    We ask that you follow the blog "Directory"
    Follow our blog gives you twice as many possibilities of visits to your blog! Thank you for your understanding
    On the right side with the books of green! You will find the country with the names of blogs by Country
    Invite your friends to join us in the "directory"
    The creation of this new blog "directory", allow a rapprochement between different countries, knowledge of different cultures and share us different passions, fashion, paintings, crafts, cooking, photography, poetry and so be able to find in different countries in other people with similar passions.
    We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
    The more people and more opportunities that will, yes, I confess, I need people to know this blog!
    You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog and your Country.
    This is not a personal blog, I create for all to enjoy
    It is you also have to make known after your contacts and friends in your blog domain, the success of this blog, depends all Participants.
    So during your next comments with your friends ask them to come in the 'Directory' by joining in joining in our comments:
    *** I am in the directory come join me! ***
    You want this directory is more important? help me to make it grow
    Your blog is in the list USA and I hope this list will grow very quickly
    We ask that you follow our blog and place a badge of your choice has to know the "directory" to your friends to put on your blog

    If you wish to know the blog of your friends, send me their urls
    I see that you know many people in your country, you can try to get them in the directory?

  93. Great post, thank and have a great week.

  94. Fantastic Colour Challenge again!!!

  95. I posted my entry on my blog yesterday and here is the link -

    I will also pop back in tomorrow to see if Mr. Linky is active. Thanks again for such a fun challenge.

  96. I so wanted to take part in this last year but never seemed to find the time as I was working on other things. I still am but am determined to create a little whimsical something just so I can play along. I'm a wee but confused though - it starts today and so we have this week up until Sunday (I'm in the UK so not sure what Pacific time is!) to link up - is that right? I just want to make sure I'm working on the right week!

  97. It looks delectable and the colours are awesome!!

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