Friday, December 21, 2012

The Light of Love . . .

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving 
the light of love to those who need it most"
--Ruth Carter Stapleton

Um, OK. So it's been a bit crazier this Christmas than usual. My typical stress-producing perfectionism over decor, food and everything Santa related has been pushed aside this year for a lesson in the real meaning of the season . . . .

In addition to the tragedy we're experiencing as a country, we've had a sick friend (and mother of four) in the hospital the whole month and our puppy hurt her back to such an extent that she couldn't walk for a few days. And in the midst of this pain and fear, somehow the presents and such has lost it's luster. But in it's place, I've learned to throw my hands up and just (try and) go with the flow. 

Still, we have done a few things that I put on Instagram and wanted to share with you here. Wanna see?

One of my favorite ornaments made the Christmas tree

(and my very favorite ornament in front of it :) 

Dutchy mad at Mama for making her stay put

Kendra making gifts for the grandparents
(Totally Pinterest BTW: take a plain plate (ours was from the dollar store), 
decorate with Sharpie pens and then bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Done!) 

Oh! And look. I did attempt to art at least once. Another picture frame in process . . .

And my baby just this morning as she made her way to the last day of school before Winter Break.

Oh, and one more thing: Our Christmas Card picture! Check out this 2012 shot (and the combat boots):

(I'm allowed to think that she's the cutest thing I've ever seen, right? 
Oh, and the kid's cute too ;)

And now on with the show: only a few days left before Santa comes and I for one am going to try and make the most of it. Wether everything is done or not. After all, it's all about the love . . . .

Wishing you and yours the very merriest, happiest, and heartfelt of celebrations. 
Kristin xo


Valerie-Jael said...

A very happy Christmas for you and yours! Hugs, Valerie

Carin said...

I hear you. Loud and clear. December has been a royal pain in the butt over here, so my perfectionistic Christmas self has been told she's not needed this year, I'll settle for healthy kids and some sleep please. Hope your holiday season picks up hon. Merry Christmas!

Mary Ann Potter said...

Merry Christmas from the farm! I enjoyed your photos so much; they proved that we are still blessed with dogs, kids, smiles, and yes, much laughter. Joy to you. Praise the Lord for His gifts and His great, unfathomable love.

Simply Debbie said...

I dropped by Kristin to give you a big hug and wish you a Merry Christmas. Beautiful the boots and your dog is quite dapper.
hugs and prayers

Christine said...

Merry Christmas Kristin! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

stefanie stark said...

The pictures of your daughter are beautiful! Moreover she is a remarkable cheerful beauty! Merry christmas for you and yours and a happy new year!

Terri Corona said...

LOVE all your photos - thanks so much for taking the time to share them amidst all the chaos. Your daughter is just precious, I must say yet again (not to mention Dutchy - hope she's feeling better!)

Here's hoping your remaining days til Christmas are full of joy and love!

bellefrogworks said...

I hope you have a peaceful Christmas. So often we take the peace out of it ourselves (as a reformed perfectionist I definitely relate to the stress you have felt in past years) Just enjoy your wonderful family - Merry Christmas

K J D said...

Kristin... I did enjoy your beautiful photographs.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful christmas.


Virginia said...

Gorgeous posts and wonderful photos - Merry Christmas Sweetie, have a good one!

denthe said...

Good for you to just go with the flow! Lovely pictures! I didn't even know you could bake things decorated with Sharpie pens. I thought you needed special porcelain pens for that. Just learned another thing ... ☺ Hope your christmas will be wonderful and non-stressy, and that your new year will be filled with creativity and fun! hugs, denthe

ArtSings1946 said...

You got it kiddo ... it's all about LOVE ... everything else is an illusion even though it might seem so real to us. Love .. Peace .. and Joy to you this holiday season.

Happiness always,

Debi said...

and that is the meaning of Christmas...a childs smile. Love the fashion sense ...great style. Warmest Wishes to all Merry Christmas and A Creative New Year♥

Joanna said...

Fab photos :)

Wishing you and those you hold dear a very Merry Christmas.


Unknown said...
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Tracey FK said...

The Christmas card pic is fantastic... as are all the photos... hope it all goes smoothly and that you have a wonderful time...xx

Ella said...

Merry Christmas Kristin to you n' yours! I love the joy I see in your photos~ xoxo

Cameron said...

I have to admit, I'm glad the hustle bustle part is just 2 weeks with my favorite people home with me, watching movies and eating way too many sweets....
...then, back to school, back on the diet, back to the gym and back to normal....haha!

I hope you and yours had a lovely Christmas! Here's to an exciting New Year ahead!!


Jenny said...

Oh Kristin... I hope you had a beautiful Christmas... I love your pics... your photo frame and Kendra's artwork are both gorgeous... and your Christmas card photo is adorable... so sorry to hear about your sick friend... and Dutchy... hope they are both feeling better...

Jenny ♥

PiaRom said...

OHhh sooooo cute...I can see all the happiness in your sweet family :)) the last shot is so funny and cute...I love it! wish you good start of the new year ♥

Unknown said...

now is that plate ceramic? Hi, it's not Kelsey again! ...look at all your publications over there!!!