Saturday, February 9, 2013

Love that Arty Mama . . .

Love that Arty Mama!

I'm honored to have been interviewed about Art, Life & Mama Hood (let's pretend that's a real word ;) by the sweet and effervescent Carin Cullen today. Check out her new Arty Mama series by clicking on the picture above.

And thank you Carin for all of your love and support,
Kristin xo


  1. What a great interview Kristin! I hope you were able to salvage that vintage Christmas album!

  2. Hi Kristin

    I forgot to come back after I read your interview!!!!

    I enjoyed it lots :)

    Karen x

  3. Beautiful Kristin... looking forward to reading about the talented YOU... off to visit Carin...

    Jenny ♥

  4. Congrats Kristin, such a lovely article about you and your lovely artwork. ~Diane

  5. great interview Kristin, such a lovely tribute to your talent,
