Friday, March 1, 2013

29 Faces: Done!

I did it! 29 Faces in 28 Days. Thank you to Ayala for the opportunity and inspiration . . . . 

I must say, this challenge was much more difficult than I expected. I found that the only real time I had to work on the sketches were at night, and if I wanted to keep up, I really needed to attempt one face a day. So every night (well almost, I did miss 3 days that I made up later on) after the kid fell asleep I got to work.  

I challenged myself to learn as much as I could, to try new techniques, angles & ideas. Some nights I would be done in 30 minutes, and some would take closer to 3 hours. Ironically, I found that the faster "portraits" were among my favorites. I've been wanting to be more spontaneous and the time limit really helped with that.

Overall, most of these girls will stay in their book, serving as references for what to (or not to) do in future paintings. Some I would like to explore further. I miss color and am anxious to give a few of these more life. We'll see. In the meantime, below are the final 8 girls that I posted daily to Instagram:



#24, 24, 26


"Just Be You"
#28 & 29

And just for fun, I put the entire month - all 29 Faces - into a slide show below:

Thank you for following my antics and thanks again to Ayala and the 29 Faces group for all of the inspiration.

Kristin xo


Mary Ann Potter said...

Cool! I love the Mouseketeer ears on this pretty girl. Congratulations on completing your challenge! You are so talented!

Terri Corona said...

Love the slideshow - makes you realize how much work you did when you see it all at once like that, huh?

The two "Just be you" girls are really cool - great way to finish!

Katie said...

I love these! The Just Be You ones are my faves!

Unknown said...

I love these last faces too. I got all but one done and it is mostly finished. It was a challenge, but a great one.

Carin said...

Oooh, I must have missed number 23 on IG. I don't remember her. They're all so fun and different Kristin! Well done on sticking with the challenge!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful work, and even better that you stuck to it and got it finished, well done! Hugs, Valerie

Joanna said...

Wow, well done you for completing this massive challenge (which is a challenge beyond me!). I enjoyed looking at all the faces in your slideshow - the girl with the tear tugged at my heart strings, and I really liked the cookie girl with the different eyes (you know the one I mean?)! Wonderful faces, all of them.


brandi said... see them one after another...the changes...the differences...the chance you took with each making them unique yet still true to your style is amazing...and beautiful to see...congrats to you for completing this challenge...much love light and blessings~

Janet said...

Seeing them all together in the slide show is fun. I like all the faces you've done...they each have their own personalities. This was a fun challenge and congratulations on finishing it.

Giggles said...

Very nice Kristin....good job that you finished!! They are are just precious!! Love your sweet style!!

Hugs Giggles

Jenny said...

Congratulations on completing the challenge Kristin... and good on you for trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone... your faces are so sweet and adorable... I love each and every one...

Jenny ♥

denthe said...

Love all of them. But the "just be you"- ones are definitely my favorites! Congrats on finishing the challenge!

PaintingWrite said...

oh my goodness, these are adorable!! it was a fun challenge and I just spotted your button for 2013 summer of colour - can't wait for that!!

K J D said...

You have done so well!!!!

I especially love no. 27 now I am off to look at the slide show then I really must go to bed its nearly 11.30pm!

Karen x

K J D said...

You have done so well!!!!

I especially love no. 27 now I am off to look at the slide show then I really must go to bed its nearly 11.30pm!

Karen x

Anonymous said...
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Venus Blues Hideaway said...

I love your faces, they are great! I found your blog by way of another blog and am going to follow so that I can stop in often.

scarlett said...

What a fabulous collection of artwork! Cool slide show, too!

Anonymous said...
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Martha from ilove2paint said...

This is a great post, and so true! I found myself in the same spot and learning the same thing lol And I guess that's part of a challenge, to discover new speeds, and faster approach. Not always good, but excellent for practice.
Thanks for participating in the challenge! I had fun visiting your blog.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your girl with mouse ears - so fun! I share your urge to do more with color - I'm working in a black and white and gray journal this month, on purpose, but really do miss colors....but I'm still going! congrats on making it through 29 faces - I'm in awe of the work! Kristin

Amy said...

I LOVE the drawings you've been doing. GREAT and very cool