Thursday, December 19, 2013

Decking the Halls . . . .

"Christmas waves it's magic wand over this world and behold, 
everything is softer and more beautiful."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

I hope this finds you happy, well and in the throws of a wonderful Christmas season. 

As with most, we've been filling our days with Christmas parties, play dates with friends, (too much) shopping, gift wrapping and overall merry making. Oh, and along the way, we've managed to deck a hall or two. Wanna see? Well okay, here's a peek into our holiday home. . . .

A huge handmade wreath created from bits & bobs of our favorite ornaments 
from year's past. 

(Bold color & glitter: what's not to love about that?)

Our newest wreath that my Mom made with Kendra this year. 
(It started as a thrift store find that my Mom scored just before the season began)

What more could a future Paleontologist want?

I love this collection that we've been attempting to build (um, buy) over the years.

On our living room shelves: 
Two-year-old Christmas Kendra under glass

A feather tree in our bedroom is accented with simple silver ornaments and white lights

(My favorite Christmas goodie: a tiny silver tree full of crystals & glitter)

And our last Christmas peek: this year's picture with Santa & 8 year-old Kendra

Oh! And one more thing: our little Christmas angels. Well, okay, at least one of them is an angel. Which one depends on the day. . . .

 (Our Christmas card photo)

Here's wishing you the happiest, brightest and merriest holiday. May it be filled with love, laughter and memory-making. After all, it will be over before we know it. . . . 

Christmas Kisses,
Kristin xo


  1. How lovely, Kristin! I'm going to be posting our Christmas photos in the next few days. Your daughter is beautiful, and your dog is very cool. Joy and blessings all around!

  2. Looks great Kristin, have a wonderful Holiday. And I love the photo of your 2 and 4 legged angels, and the way they are both grinning! Hugs, Valerie

  3. oh such wonderful, sweet holiday displays Kristin! LOVE the wreaths and well, both your angels are just adorable-I'm giving them, and you, a virtual HUG! Wishing you and yours a joyful Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas, Kristin! Your house looks fabulous! I love all your decorations. Your daughter is so lovely! Have a wonderful holiday season!

  5. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful photos Kristin. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, hugs Annette x

  6. Great photos Kristin. Love your smiling dog and daughter is beautiful too. Beautiful ornaments. Happy Holidays to you too.:) Thanks.

  7. Loved your little tour Kristen, your decorating is like you, sparkly and colorful and makes me smile! And what a precious picture of Kendra with Santa, she's such a doll!

  8. Lovely Christmas photos! Merry Christmas!

  9. All of it so gorgeous!! Love your homemade wreath I made a similar one only a few colours thought, it may be a bit smaller! Love Kendra in all her photos and the dog is precious too!! Thanks for sharing a bit of your wonderful life!! Those decorations really are priceless!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. I'm smiling almost as much as your dog! What a wonderful Christmas post :)

    Lots of love to you and yours

    Karen x

  11. Happy Christmas Kristin! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I love your colourful wreath. I remember it from last year and it always makes me smile (also, how cute are those bronzed shoes!)

  12. Beautiful! - I love that amazing rainbow-coloured wreath and the magical feather tree and that photo is SO cute - not sure who has the biggest grin there! Happy Christmas to you and yours! :o)xxx

  13. Je vous souhaite un joyeux Noël et une bonne année, Kristin :)

  14. Such a beautiful post!!! Makes me so happy! Have a great Christmas!

  15. Gorgeous photos Kristin - I just love your wreath made from baubles from Christmasses past.

    Kendra is looking gorgeous and SO happy.

    Have a wonderful Christmas all of you :)

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  17. Lovely ornaments and those pics are beautiful. Love the one of Kendra and your smiling dog. So cute .... Hope your holidays are happy, and wishing you a year full of creativity and joy ahead ♥

  18. I love how whimsical your home is!!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Ok, I absolutely love your wonderful Christmas decorations and beautiful family photos! Thank you for sharing your Christmas cheer with all of us. I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season, Kristen! Sending elated Christmas wishes!!!!!

  21. LOVE seeing all the peeks of Christmas around your house...even in January! I have NOT been a good blogger & it has been ages since I popped around my favorite artsy blogs. BUT, yours was the first on my list!! :) Holy Smokes is that Kendra a doll!! xoxo

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