Friday, February 21, 2014

Art Journaling: Believe. . .

Loose Journal Page on Watercolor paper

"Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in yourself. 
Believe in your dreams. If you don't, who will?"
-- Jon Bon Jovi

So I've been working on a journal page this week. And I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I prefer to play with loose pages that I will later bind rather than in a formal journal. I like the ability to get as messy as I want without the fear of "ruining" the page behind or in front of it. And I also like the the freedom that comes with working on whatever kind of paper or size that I feel like at the time. The other benefit of working this way is that if I love it, I can always switch gears and make it a painting rather than a page.

Anywho, here's this week's offering. It was created with pencil, watercolor crayons, collage, glitter and my brand new obsession; Montana Acrylic Paint Pens. They are so dreamy. . . .

Thank you for your time! I look forward to seeing what everyone brings to The Party this week.

Kristin xo


  1. Gorgeous piece, love the colours. Have fun with your new pens. Valerie

  2. Love your new girl, have never seen acrylic pens before, sounds like a fab invention. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. She looks magical! I recently started a journal and it's going okay, I felt just like you about spoiling it, but it's been okay and the nice part is I now have a collection going, already bound together!

  4. I BELIEVE she is beautiful and bright and brave. Maybe she is you. Your page vs journal makes lots of sense to me. Very freeing! This is Creative Bliss Dear...

  5. It is a beautiful piece. Your girls are so gorgeous. I have been eyeing those paint pens myself. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I love your beautiful face. The eyes are just awesome.

  7. she is so dreamy and magical-love the colors!!! Gorgeous painting. About those pens- have you had any problems with the flow or the paint drying up?

  8. This is GORGEOUS, Kristin! You're not going to get me started on a new art supply, are you now??!!

  9. Wow! Beautiful artwork! And those pens --- tempting!

  10. Awesome work and boy do I want to look into those pens...and I will. tee hee.:) Take care Kristin.

  11. I love the energy of your colors, tilt of your beautiful girl on the page, and most of all her amazing eyes that sparkle with life! Artistically done!

  12. She is gorgeous! The pens look very cool.

  13. Oh you evil temptress! Exposing me to fun new art supplies when you know I'm weak. Those paint pens look good enough to eat, I'm fighting what will probably be a losing battle to not click on the link.

    But oh I love what you did with them, your page is just yummy, all the color and textures and different elements, and wonderful face. I'm intrigued with your idea about loose page journaling, must think about that.

  14. Great colour choices! They are so cheerful. What fun! I really like the Jon Bon Jovi quote, it is so true!

  15. Gorgeous! I love the quote and your gal makes me smile! Those pens are so dreamy-I want some... ATB xo

  16. Magical and beautiful work!!!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  17. Beautiful piece and I can so relate to the loose page idea. I do that as well at times and it does feel free-er that way, less restrictive.
    xx Monique

  18. Beautiful face and beautiful background.

  19. You are naughty! I am trying so hard to be good! Such gorgeous colours though....

    I love your sweet girl.... the colours, textures and details... all beautiful :)

    Karen x

  20. Wow, the color and design is so wonderfully bright and pretty! I may have to look into these paint pens. (Eeek, what am I saying, too many art supplies! lol)

  21. she is lovely~

    i agree with you about journals. i do feel concern if i love a page and then the next painting changes it. Hard to print from journal pages too.
    But it is fun to have a book to flip through of art, real art.

  22. OH HER NOSE IS SOOO CUTE! I love your face. Really sweet and inspiring. I'm not good at faces but you make me want to try!

    I go through phases. Sometimes I need the tight space of a journal and sometimes I want to be free!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  23. This is very very beautiful creation.

  24. What a beautiful free spirited girl you have created. You really make me want to try those pens. Happy PPF

  25. Beautiful page. Love her, the colors, the designs, lovely.
    And I love those paint pens too they glide and draw and write just perfectly.

  26. Beautiful page. Love her, the colors, the designs, lovely.
    And I love those paint pens too they glide and draw and write just perfectly.

  27. Such a magical piece....gorgeous face and colors....I love her! I am with you I prefer page by page. I have one book that Cupcake found in the garbage of watches, very thick paper....I cover it with paint and that's my preferred book since I can't ruin it!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Wonderful page! Love those little details in collage ....

  29. LIKE it - and like the idea of loose pages - I've not yet tried that but maybe I should...I was introduced to the montana pens last year, but have not yet indulged, though I seem to have every other pen out there! You did a GREAT job with thee - I really love her pensive look.

  30. Love the colors you chose for the portrait! I've heard wonderful things about those paint pens - maybe I'll try them in the future (I'm such a supply junkie - need to use some of what I have LOL) That girl is so sweet and pretty - and your colors make her so unique

  31. Beautiful..I also like working on individual sheets.

  32. Wow, gorgeous girl! Beautiful eyes, beautiful colours and such a sweet and true quote by one of my fav bands! Lovely work !

    Annabelle : )

  33. This is so gorgeous Kristin! And I love the conclusion you came to. It's so nice when you work out what works best for you and can really make it your won.

  34. Very nice. I love the colors and patterns you used. It is wonderfully vibrant.

  35. Believe is my OLW this year! You embraced it and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE (did I say LOVE???) your gorgeous creation!

  36. I like the mess of one page leaking through to another page. Another layer on the new page even if accidental. It is one of the things i love about arting in a book. It is not completely controllable.

    Though the ability to let it develop into something else would be useful.
