Monday, March 17, 2014

Blogging: Interrupted. . . .

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. 
I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."
- Kurt Vonnegut

Dear MacBook,

I've loved you for so long. You've been fast, efficient and most importantly, a workhorse for all of my arting, blogging and homeschooling tasks for years now. Even when I accidentally got you a little wet (okay, a lot wet) last year, you bucked up and continued to play with me anyway. The Apple guys told me that eventually you'd just stop, but to be honest, I didn't really believe them. But, (deep sigh), they were right. You've been slowing down and shutting off for weeks now. It seems that even the smallest tasks upset you and I, in turn, must face the inevitability that is to come. I can't even respond to my blog friends anymore without you yelling at me and shutting down. I can not continue to work with you under these conditions. Something has to give. In the meantime, I want to thank you for staying awake long enough to post this so that my friends no longer have to wonder where I've been. I'm still here, just all on my lonesome without my hot pink bestie by my side. (Grumble, moan).

Me xoxo


Netty said...

LOL, Annette x

Mary Ann Potter said...

Well, bless your heart and the heart of your computer! A word of caution: should you find it necessary to purchase a new computer that's not a Mac, be prepared for Windows 8! It's a little odd...

Terri Corona said...

Oh no, a major life event! You're in my thoughts...

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry! My lap top is heading the same way! Hugs, Valerie

K J D said...

Oh dear Kristin.... parting is such sweet sorrow. At least you have lots of happy memories :) Bite the bullet though - we bloggers cannot be without you for long!

Karen xxx

Unknown said...

I totally understand it....sadly, I do...sigh.

Linda Kunsman said...

I understand completely. I always dread the thought of having to start anew with a different system and starting over again. Hope to see you around very soon. rest in peace Mac.

Unknown said...

Lol. I hate getting new computers. Once you get used to the way one works, it is hard adjusting to a new one. It is a necessary must.

Christine said...

the time has come,too bad!

Annie Claxton said...

OH no! major disaster, I hate when anything goes wrong with my pooter or my (relatively new) iPad
I feel I have to share my affections evenly between the two in case one of them feels unwanted and gets huffy on me! I need them both for different things and though they do sort of speak to each other via the iCloud, which is some kind of magic I don't really understand, they are different animals - just like my sons!
Possibly I am letting my imagination run away with me just a little ...

Hope it is all sorted out for you soon Kristin - we'll miss you! good luck with the transition, and remember "this too shall pass" !

Annie :o)xxx

Carmen said...

I have exactly the same relationship with my PC and my Google Nexus tablet that Annie does with her pooter and iPad. My thought are with you and your hot pink bestie Kristin. Parting is such sweet sorrow - especially if you haven't backed up (please tell me you are backed up) x x said...

I'm so sorry for deteriorating health of your bestie. The healthj of mine is deteriorating fast too. Let's navigate these hard time together. xo

Natasha said...

Oh. I feel you. Oh how i feel you. I fought the end with my head firmly in the sand.