Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily-ish Art Journaling: Still At It . . .

"There have been setbacks, illnesses and other obstacles, so inevitably I've had disappointments. 
But once you realize that things can't always go your own way, you're right on track to being able to handle your own life."
- Diana Quick

Sooooo, yeah. It seems that the moment I declared my joy in having finished the first eight days of consistent Art Journling this year, we all got sick. As in, really-bad-flu-that-made-us-catatonic-for-dayzzzzzz sick. I didn't even have the energy to "art" in bed. Which, naturally, made me question the whole idea of Art Journaling on the daily. Not only do I hate the idea of being "behind," but I also question my ability to get it all done, and in a way that makes me happy. 

Case in point: in last week's post I mentioned that my original idea was to create a page in about 15 minutes per day. Um, ok. How in the world I thought that was possible is beyond me. I take longer than that to gather supplies. Having said that, I truly enjoy playing in my tiny little journal and do want to allow myself the freedom to grow as an artist by doing so. SO, here's the deal: I'm still at it, but the terms are getting looser. In order to keep it up, I realize that I have to be gentler on myself. So, if that means that a page doesn't get done one day, or if a spread is much less detailed than I would prefer, that has to be okay. I have to just move on to the next day if I want to keep it up. So, some days may be fabulous and some may just well, be. 

With that in mind, here's where we are now. "Behind" but still at it . . .

Days 8 & 9: "I was just really sick for days" 

Days 11 & 12: Playing with textures and collage.

Days 13-16 all look like this. Meh. I've moved on out of necessity, but I will do something with these pages (perhaps even adding photos?) by the month's end. 

Having said all that, as far as the creativity begets creativity part, I've started working on a huge canvas (as in, 30 x 40 huge) since the beginning of the year. And so far, it's been the largest palette cleaner ever. I plan to work on this for a while - as it's really being influenced by my journal - but here's a tiny peek at it's beginnings:

And that's it! Back to the studio now for today's page. Until next time. . . . 

To love and Art,
Kristin xo


  1. PLEASE come and join in with our Speed Craft Challenge which asks you to create something in under 15 minutes, your daily journal pages would be fantastic!

    So glad you and your Lovelies are all feeling better, it has been a terrible illness in UK also.

    Glad you catching up, some fab projects, loving the sneak peek of your huge project.

    Take care, mwah!!! :-) xxx

  2. sorry to hear you were ill, so was I! Lovely pages!

  3. Oh no! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well... I love the pages--the textures are wonderful. :)

  4. Stay creative and hope you are soon really well! Valerie

  5. Sorry to hear you've all been so for the daily challenge- I found the 75 day challenge i did a couple of years ago turned into a bit of an obligation as like you i hate to get 'behind' & felt pressured to play catch up. It is a good way to ensure you do something creative everyday but at the same time it's counterintuitive if creating becomes a chore. I think you have the right idea to not be so hard on yourself and just create when you can & want to. Xx

  6. Rest and feel better! Naps are prescribed as you recover!

  7. yuck- having the flu is just the worst! Glad you're on the mend and it sounds like a great idea to be gentle with yourself and go with the flow of journaling. Fab pages! Love your girl sketch-I want to give her a hug because she does look like she doesn't feel good at all.

  8. Glad you are all starting to feel better... love your pages.

    Karen x

  9. I think your new attitude is very wise! I think there's a fine line between committing to daily art and finding it becoming a chore instead of a joy. I personally have yet to find that line, but I think you're well on you're way!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you have been ill. Perhaps simplifying is good whether you are ill or not. The work is great whether it is speedy or slow though.

  11. Glad you are better. Love your pages. I tried copying and pasting this years SOC and it doesn't come up. Is there a link to it? Thanks, please let me know.

  12. There seems to be just some awful lurgy attacking everyone at the moment. We all were knocked flat over Christmas and my eldest daughter was laughing because she didn't get it. Not laughing now that we are all better and she is cough, cough, cough!

    LOVING what you are doing and I cannot wait to see this new canvas!

  13. Oh my goodness, Kirstin. I am so sorry that you have not been well. I absolutely LOVE what you posted so far! You are very talented, my friend, and I am happy that I get to visit your blog with so much inspiration!!! HUGS!!!!
