Friday, January 1, 2016

There Will Come A Time . . .

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. 
That will be the beginning."
- Louis L'Amore

Happy New Year with Love,
Kristin xo


Karla B said...

Happy 2016 Kristin!

Anonymous said...

that is beautiful!!!
Happy New Year!

Chris Lally said...

Love the quote! Thank you. And all the best to you this year!!

Christine said...

Happy New Year Kristin!

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Beautiful quote and photo. Have a joyous, prosperous, and art filled 2016, dear Kristin.

Neesie said...

Wow I can almost smell that beautiful rose. That pop of colour is just what I need to see on this dark wet day here.
Love the quote too.
Happy New Year to you and yours Kristin ;D

Linda Kunsman said...

oh how beautiful... a very happy New Year to you and yours!

Sharon Fritchman said...

Oh my goodness! What a beautiful, beautiful photo, Kristin! And that quote is absolutely perfect. Happy New Year to you, my friend, and to your wonderful family, too! HUGS!!! Sharon

Manav Singhi said...

Lovely And Happy New Year.

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