Sunday, April 25, 2010

MMM: I Feel Pretty

"It's alarming how charming I feel"
5 x 5 Canvas with chandelier crystal

This week's Mixed Media Monday challenge is to create a piece of art based upon the Sondheim and Bernstein song, I Feel Pretty. I racked my brain trying to come up with something creative, until I remembered this picture I took of our family dog a few months back. Turns out, he was held captive by our 4 year old and when I finally realized he was missing, this is what I found . . .

This piece was created on a 5 x 5 canvas that was first covered in fabric before being dry-brushed with a few coats of cream and pink acrylic and crackle medium. I then added detail to the background with a swirl stamp and bubble wrap. Next came a color-enhanced picture of the poor ol' dog (you may click on link to read the story in its entirety) which was distressed with sandpaper and colored pencil. Final touches included a wash of charcoal, a vintage dance ticket, rub-ons, clear glitter over the entire surface and, last by not least, a chandelier crystal attached to the bottom of the canvas with an eye hook.

Thank you for looking! I look forward to seeing all the Pretty pieces with MMM this week . . .

Kristin xo


  1. Hehehe, love this piece, Kristin! Another jewel for Kendra to look back on! Diane

  2. Oh my gosh, Kristin! You are amazing! What a fabulous entry with so much pizzazz! This is really heartwarming!

  3. Ha ha - that is so fun! Our poor puppy has been made quite "pretty" as well...I can't count the things he's been dressed in. Great use of photo to a theme!!

  4. hahahah I remember that photo!!! Love this piece it's just so fun and unique! What a lovely memory to treasure when Kendra is older!! Brilliant piece!

    Thanks for your lovely comments by the way. It's so lovely to know that Kendra sees my Tooth Fairy hanging in her bathroom. Wish I could see it! ;0) x

  5. aaah, pretty in pink (like mine;))
    you really gave me a smile :)

  6. Hhahha, awwww youre dog!!! It looks like he doesn't care at all..:)
    Beautifull piece, but with those pink colours he looks a little.....hmm
    Or is it a girl?

  7. Wonderful and funny canvas, Kristin.

  8. Great piece, it make me laugh out loud! Wonderful take on the theme!

  9. Hi Kristin, ok this has to be one of my favorite entrys, because of the doggie!! great work!
    Thank you for all the beautiful comments you leave on my blog. you make e smile :)

  10. Great stuff.

    Hope that's a "she dog" (if you know what I mean), otherwise the poor thing will end up with a complex *lol*

  11. Now that is a classic moment, that you captured so beautifully...literally! Thanks for sharing and for the details on how you created it. I am sure you chuckle every time you look at it.

  12. So funny! These are the moments that turn ordinary into extraordinary! Wonderful!

  13. Oh now this is such a fun piece Kristin!! The look on your dog's face... priceless! =D

  14. what a great doggie you have there! Aren't they just such wonderful creatures - I guess that's why we call them man's (or woman's!) best friend!!

  15. oh Kristin...what a wonderful take on the theme...and what a great photo you captured....don't you just love what our children do with the family dogs...priceless!!!


  16. :D That's wonderful. Great take on the theme.

  17. I love this canvas art of the doggie! all your textures are wonderful. I also love your blog. I'll be back for more inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  18. This is so cute! Love that your little one did this - they are so fun aren't they?


  19. I love this! You should see what our children attempt with our foster kittens! ~Sharon

  20. ha ha....that's great!
    funny but still a lovely piece of work, kristin.
    thanks for your comment! i really appreciate it & was so happy to see you up as my first comment since going awol...:)

  21. oh he does look cute in PINK!!!! Great piece Kristin
