Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vision Statement Banner

"Dear Kristin"
18 x 8 Fabric Vision Statement Banner
The Artistic Mother's Group: Project 4 

Detail of goals
Detail of letter to myself

Project four of The Artistic Mother's Group is to create a Vision Statement Banner based upon our individual Vision Statements. We were also encouraged to list a set of art goals that we hope to achieve. I found myself writing a letter instead of a vision statement (you may read it in it's entirety in the post below), but the idea is the same: to make a piece of art that inspires us to do what it takes to reach our goals.

The 18 x 8 banner was based upon the one in Shona Cole's new book, The Artistic Mother, and started life as a piece of reinforced fabric with two wooden dowels. To that, I added collage elements including a vintage Bingo card (I placed a picture of Kendra's feet when she was about 9 months on top), a vintage milk ticket, some handmade papers (really, really love using these), some decorative, vintage and scrapbook papers, acrylic (the fabric was washed in watered-down gesso and pink paint), some tea died fabric swatches, water-soluble oil pastels, a tag to which I added the words, "let go," the letter, and my goals attached to a postcard. I did not have Velcro so I used a clip and removable strips of paper instead. It was completed with decorative trim and two versions of Swarovski crystals.

It has found a home in my "Studio" (really just a girly guest room) and I look forward to putting it to good use . . .

Kristin xo


  1. This is awesome... I loved reading the letter to yourself. Such an inspiring idea/letter.

  2. oh this is wonderful Kristin, great colors, great textures and photo, of course.

  3. I love everything about your vision statement banner. You did a fantastic job.

  4. aesome bright ans it...the bottom of the dress looks o cute!!!xxx

  5. This is a gorgeous banner and I love your bag as well :)

  6. Gorgeous banner, Kristin! Really beautiful! Love it!

  7. Fabulous creation, we should all have a vision statement posted someplace to remind us of what is important. Thanks for sharing your lively colourful creation.

  8. Wow! Beautiful words, clever ideas, design is super fun. You nailed it! I hope it is inspiring you as much as it is me.

  9. very cool. and the statement itself is so moving. it's great to be back so i can see all the beautiful things you create, lady.
    i've missed you...:)

  10. Love your banner! Can't wait to tackle mine =)
