Thursday, September 2, 2010

Preschool Redo

Tot Stop Preschool Redo
Director's office and Teacher's Lounge
Director's office, front facing
Director's office, side view 
Doorway to Teacher's Lounge
Teacher's Lounge

I recently helped my friend Sherry decorate her office and teacher's lounge for the upcoming year of preschool. She owns and operates the school Kendra is lucky enough to attend, and has been my friend since the days when you matched outfits with your BFF and wore them to the mall . . . . 

We spent a few days last week painting (okay, getting our husbands to paint) the walls a neutral grey, stenciling (and if you are really paying attention, yes, I did say that I was going to retire that stencil. But then I saw that rug and, well, I lied), spray painting old desk tops and wicker chairs and shopping for accessories. We wanted a feminine feel, with soft colors and bold accessories. We added cute (Target) owl prints and pillows for the teacher's lounge and pretty little accents and rugs from Home Goods. We attempted to put both rooms together with low cost and high style. I hope it succeeds in bringing a smile to the faces of both big and little people as they enter. . . 


  1. I love love love it! The rugs are gorgeous ... its all great. Fab that you pulled your stencil out of retirement and put it to work again!!! The boxes are adorable... its all fantastic what a wonderfully happy, tranquil and feminine environment.

    Well done all!!!!!

  2. This room is awesome!! lOve the stencils, the rug and that cute owl pillow!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lovely room,
    redoing it is fun,
    I like to redo rooms 2.
    Happy Friday!

  4. Wow this is fantastic!!! I think you've done an amazing job!!! You should do this for a living!!! :0) well done!

  5. oooo, very friendly room..a mix of childhood and adulthood..nice blend..adore the owls!! it's perfect..

  6. You did an AMAZING job! Snaps to you!

  7. This just makes me happy!!! :)

  8. You are so awesome! What a difference! I'm so glad you didn't retire that stencil, it's so pretty. And don't you just LOVE Homegoods? Heck ya! So I've stopped by your blog several times recently...why am I just now leaving a comment? Sorry. Easily distracted lately.

    Thanks for all your sweet comments...I always look forward to them. Really. And I love that you thought of me when using the tin! Seriously, there's so many times I see something or when making something I think...oh Kristin has to see this! So funny. Oh and yes, you need to go to Portland..let me know if you ever go, and i'll tell you my fav spots. And yes I LOVED working big. A bit intimidating, but so much fun I want to do it again! Take care.

