Thursday, October 28, 2010


Made from "Thank You" Journal Page

Made from "Alice knew there'd be Hell to Pay" Journal Page

Detail of Inkssentials Memory Glass and 1.5 x 1.5 inch color copies

I had to try it. . . . Equipped with the Journal Pages from Willowing's class under my arm, and inspired by artists such as Nicola who turn their artwork into pendants and jewelry pieces, I decided to take my brand-new paintings to a local printer and have them made into 1.5 x 1.5 inch copies so that I could have a go myself. . . 

You may remember the piece, "To Market" I recently made with some of the same materials. This time instead of a pig charm, I used both a vintage and new earring (I had only one of each - and kept them of course) to attach to the bottom of the necklaces. The frame is surrounded by iridescent and clear Swarovski Crystals and attached to a 30 inch chain. You may see more of these in the future as they are a bit addicting to make. . . 

Kristin xo


  1. WOW!!!!! LOVE these, they are sooooo pretty and so you!!! Look at you, painting and making jewellery, such a talented lady, thank you for the mention you are very inspiring yourself! These are definately addictive, perhaps your next stop should be an etsy shop????? :0) YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :0)

  2. Aren't you clever... these are sooooo cute! I am going to be watching Art, Heart & Healing's week 2 video's tonight. It has been a very crazy week. I'm glad she gave us an extra week, as I'm still playing in week 1.
    I agree with Nicola, ETSY! Facebook last week..... Next, maybe a cute Etsy shop?

  3. Your art work has definitely moved on to a new level. These are amazing!

  4. oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! these are so cool!!! where do you get all your supplies...I want to make some too!!! how do you glue the crystals?

    Lovely work Kristin!!!

  5. Wonderful Kristin..just delish' are soooo beyond talented. I'm always happy to come by here. I love could totally sell them on etsy!! Have fun..can't wait to see should do some with your vintage mother goose..those would be sweet as well. HUgs

  6. Wow!!!
    Anybody would be proud to wear those cool necklaces...

    Could be a real lovely Christmas gift or a Thanksgiving Dinner souvenir...

    See...I've already thought of ways to make many of those:)

    Thanks for sharing...

  7. Kristin, I think you and I are on the same wavelength. I just posted about making jewelry with my art--all brand new to me...I think I feel a new addiction coming you? :)

  8. just gorgeous....would love to have a go at these...where did you get the necklace from???can see these as a chrissy presie for my

  9. Beautiful necklaces, love the bright and bold colors!
