Saturday, October 30, 2010

Willowing & Friends!

"Wishes for my Younger Self"
Altered child's board book

Week 2 of Art, Heart & Healing focuses on creating an altered board book that affirms positive statements about ourselves. We were encouraged to place a photo transfer on one side (I used gel medium) and write out wishes for our little selves on the other. Although I did write out my wishes (hidden under all that gesso), I ended up using bits of a vintage poem(s) to illustrate my desires. It reads, "May your day(s) be filled with roses /  And your skies be bright and clear / May each hour reveal true love and faith / From all whom you hold dear . . ." 

I used images from The Graphics Fairy in addition to personal photos (the birdcage and baby picture) in order to complete my story. Final touches included framing the transfer with silver, white and gold gel pens and the use of water-soluble crayons, pencil and charcoal to help enhance and define the background and clip art. Now on to the second layout for week two: using whimsical characters to create a scene we would have liked to experience in our youth . . . xo


  1. Wow this is really in "depth" so to speak. And BEAUTIFUL work!
    It always amazes me...the things you show on her.
    You are truly gifted! I love this idea.
    Thank you for sharing your work!!

  2. Kristin... this is amazing. The colors, the words, the detail! love love love it! You have another week before lesson 3, what are your planning to do creatively? Happy Halloween to you & Kendra! xo

  3. ~oh kristin what a sweet pea you were! hats off to you for getting this complete...i ran out of ink and now very much behind!! i have only watched the first half hour or so so you have given me a wonderful sneak peek at what lies ahead...l♥ve it!! wishing you and yours a wonderful samhain~halloween...may your spirits be filled with the magic of this day...warm wishes and brightest blessinsg~

  4. oh my this sure is super always make the cutest stuff on blog land!!! Love the bird cage on head. CUTE IDEA..will have to remember that one..LOL..I love that pretty couch.

  5. Hi there! This is so pretty, and I love the birdcage too! The silver flourishes around your sweet photo (what a cutie pie!) are wonderful. And I love the photo of Kendra in the post above...she's so cute! Have fun today!


  6. Kristin, this is gorgeous! Love how you've hidden your wishes and replaced them with a lovely poem summing them up instead! I can't get my transfers to stick. I'm starting to go a bit crazy, but not giving up...

  7. Just love this Kristin! Looks like you've been having fun! I've got something for you to check out...I was thinking of you when I finished it's titled, "Little Star." It's an art quilt I've been making...just learning how, but am loving the process. I'll post it tomorrow!

  8. Kristin, This is wonderful! Beautiful. Such great wishes! I haven't started my board book yet in Tam's class but hope to soon. Thank you for your kind comment on my portrait. It is so appreciated!
