Monday, May 27, 2013

The Summer of Color 3: One Week To Go . . .

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"Color is a power which directly influences the soul."
- Wassily Kandinsky

I can hardly believe that The Summer of Color 3 is just one tiny little week away . . . . 

I'm anxious to reconnect with past players and old friends, excited to meet new artists who decide to take the plunge and, naturally, so looking forward to seeing all the art & inspiration that springs from the weekly color prompts and beautiful (kind, supportive and lovingFlickr and Facebook communities. 

And, it must be said, there are some exciting changes taking place this year. What kind of changes you ask? (Well now, you know you have to wait for that). But not to worry, tune in one tiny little week from today for our Introductory Week where all questions and curiosities will be answered. . . .

Until then, how about a little color question to ponder? We've already taken our Color Personality Quiz and have been inspired by this explosion of color by artist Holton Rower, but I wonder: 

What are your favorite colors? And what in the world do they mean? You can look to the color wheel above or, for a more in depth exploration of The Psychology of Color, (double) click here for an amazing chart kindly sent to us by our friend and artist Kristin Dudish.

So really, what are the colors that make your heart beat a little faster? I promise you want me to know . . . .

To the love of color,
Kristin xo


  1. I'm so excited for this challenge to begin. :) My favorite color is purple. (blue purple according to the chart) :)

  2. Recently I have been drawn more and more to Teal - I think because alot of the old coloured photos and pictures I have match up to it so well...I'm a newbie and can't wait to get started!

  3. I favor peach, pale turquoise, and cream/ivory. Lots of my past pieces are shades of ivory, beige, and brown; now I'm working in more colorful colors. It depends on the time of year. Winter brings out deep, dusky preferences; spring means yellows and greens; summer is time for me to get out the shades of sea and sky; fall is a mixture. So anxious for the color assignments to begin!!!

  4. Looking forward to this year's summer of colour! My favourite colour in general is green but not necessarily for painting. I do love teal and deep rich jewel-like colours like that for painting these days.

  5. Looking forward to next week! My fave colours are those of Autumn. Valerie

  6. I'm looking forward to SOC! Only one week to go.

    I've always loved purple...ever since I can remember. After looking at the chart it's the blue purple I like most but really any purple will make me smile.

  7. I can't decide which one is my fave!!!

  8. I can't wait for SOC to start, sooo excited!! Thanks so much for making this happen and keeping us inspired for the summer.

    My favorite color thru childhood and until a few years ago at 40 was blue. Any and all blues made me happy.
    Then I started painting and art journaling and playing which lead me to love ALL COLORS but have some favorites now. I always wondered how people could love all colors or more then one. Now I understand it.
    My least favorite color has been purple but now I LOVE purple.
    Fall colors have always made me happy, it's my favorite month.
    I rarely used green and try to use it more now.

    My heart is always for the color,white,blue.

    I love to paint with yellow, gray and black. Hope to paint my rooms these colors one day or at least my craft space.

    So happy that I've discovered other colors and enjoy them now.

    Have a great week, CAN"T WAIT!

  9. My very favorite color is a deep purple that has some midnight blue hues to it. I love purples. :) In truth though, I love all colors.There's something so wonderful about them all!

  10. Favorites have to be purple and red and all inbetween. I used to think I was a blue person until I looked at my wardrobe and then I went and dyed my hair purple...Check it out it is cool!

  11. I am sooo into aqua and yellow. Just can't get enough of both!! They are everywhere in my dream is to have them in my home one day, too!!

    Looking forward to this!!!:)

  12. Oh I do hope I can take part this year. Something has happened previous years to stop me from taking part, but I really want to try this year. My favourites are bright spring colours (now there's a surprise!), and my all time favourite colour is blue.

  13. My favorite color has always been green, but I love teal and turquoise, too.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. I am drawn to deep reds, oranges and golds... with a splash of cobalt blue!

  16. There are very few colors I don't like, but I think my favorites are purple and green in all their varieties and also butter yellow. I am always in awe of the abundance of color in nature and I love to try and capture it in all of my crafty endeavors :) I can't wait until next week, but sadly I won't be able to check in first thing on Monday as I won't have access to a computer until later in the day, but I will definitely be chiming in ASAP! Thanks Kristin!

  17. I blame my mother for me liking PINK. As a child she dressed me in pink and my sister in blue. Why I don't know but Pink is my fav and Blue my sister's. I stumbled across a couple of blog party sites today which is no coincidence I guess since I decided to start an art blog last night and the universe always does provide! Looking forward to joining in the summer fun from Hot, Hot Jersey where 'restore the Shore' actually did happen by the summer of '13 just as our Gov promised!

  18. At the moment I am really loving dark grey with yellow ochre - I think it's a fantastic colour combination.
    Really looking forward to this years SOC - see you all shortly!

  19. My favourites are the greens and blues - with browns and russets to add a contrast. Natural colours.

  20. oh, so fun! this is going to be a busy, colorful summer!

  21. Kristin,

    I had so much fun last year, I'll be back at it this year, too. I actually like lime green and lavender together. The are so calming. Of course, red and yellow are my favorites when I'm in a wild and crazy mood!

  22. I love the colour green...more of the pale mint greens. But I rarely use green in my drawings...which is odd. In my work though, I tend to lean towards sepia tones of brown, burnt umber, rusty reds and such as they remind me of old watercolour drawings of the 1900's. Like the kind I loved from fairy tale books and I kind of like trying to re-create that look.

  23. Choosing a single favorite is impossible! The best I can manage is a list (top to bottom): Deep Red, Emerald, Turquoise, Coral, Tangerine, Blue Purple, Red Purple, Golden Yellow, Black, Lime and (not on chart) copper and bronze metallics. Whew!

    For the psychological aspect, I suppose the Blue Purples description is closest, though I don't think the last two (mysterious and enchanting) apply. The rest, yeah.

    Fun stuff! I've never done SoC before (just heard about it), but it sounds like great fun!

  24. My favorite color has always been blue. I love any shade of blue, from powder blue to blue violet! The next two favorites of mine are magenta/fuschia/plum and turquoise or aqua.

    I am looking forward to taking part in this fun project for the first time!

  25. Hello Aranthe!
    Thank you so much for your colors! I love what you've listed and want to welcome you to The Summer of Color - I'm sorry I was unable to link to your blog personally - but I hope you have a wonderful time here! xo
