Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Now I've Really Gone & Done It . . .

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney

Oh my! It's been that long since I've blogged. In my defense, this Summer has just flown by: it feels as if The Summer of Color just ended and now we're getting ready for back to school! But, although I've been quiet around here, I have been busy on the art front. As a matter of fact, I've been really busy with exciting new projects and upcoming opportunities. 

But I digress. It all started a few weeks ago when a friend of mine called "out of the blue" and announced that I "really should have" a dot.com address. She felt that it was time to take my art to the next level and offered to help me set it all up. Since I have no earthly clue how to create a website, I accepted her gift and excitedly went about gathering what I needed on my end to make it happen. There were bios to write, photo shoots to take part in (and let me say here that I'd rather have a root canal than have pictures taken) and art galleries to assemble.  I was getting a website! And I felt, for lack of a better way to put it, so legit

Now, as I write this I want you to know that I don't really believe in coincidences. I believe that people come into our lives for a reason, even if we don't always know why at that time. And what my friend didn't know when she felt compelled to help me was that just that morning I had been invited to teach an art journaling class at a local venue and needed a dot.com to connect my site to theirs. My career goals of teaching again were coming to fruition and my friend was there to help, even though she may not have known why at the time. 

SO here it is: my brand-spanking-new website. You can now find me here and at KristinVanValkenburgh.com. Oh! And along with the new website came something else that I had yet to do: create an art community on Facebook! So now - along with our Summer of Color page - you can also play with me year-round here on our pretty little Facebook page. I'd love it if you'd join me by "liking" the page. I promise it will be a fun place to hang, and that there are more surprises (that I can hardly contain myself from spilling!) on the very near horizon.  

In the meantime, I hope your Summer is going well, that your dreams are coming to fruition and that you too are finding excitement in the new. 

Until next time,
Kristin xo


  1. Congratulations Kristin on becoming legit! It was meant to be!

  2. Hi, Kristin! I'm heading right over to your new space in a couple of minutes. In the meantime, let me tell you how much I enjoyed your blue/green/charcoal article in the new Somerset Studio magazine! Absolutely great!

  3. Fabulous news! Good for you Kristin!

  4. Oh what fabulous coincidences - very serendipitous

  5. What's meant to be is meant to be!

    Good luck with everything :)

    Karen xxx

  6. Isn't it wonderful when everything flows... Off to look at your new website. Unfortunately i don't do FB so won't be able to join you there.

    Good luck:-) xxx

  7. Looking good!!! Good on you for moving in the direction of your dreams! Just "liked" your FB-page ....

  8. Woohoo! Congrats babe! Welcome to dotcom life :)

  9. oh what utterly fantastic news Kristin!!! Congrats!! I'm hopping over to the links and of course will "like" your FB page:)

  10. Congratulations! All very exciting and the website looks amazing! I love the picture of you in the frame :P

  11. Congratulations, Kristin! Look at you getting all grown up and everything :)


  12. Congratulations, Kristin!!!! WOOHOO! I love your new website!
