Monday, June 17, 2013

The Summer of Color: Week Two . . .

"Your paintings are staggeringly beautiful. Did I ever tell you that, or was I just too concerned that you weren't going to earn a living? I know the answer . . . I worried that the paint was so thickly applied that it might snap off and ruin someone's carpet, rather than realizing that you'd made color itself tactile."
- Rosamund Lupton, Sister

Welcome to Week Two of The Summer of Color . . . 

I must say, the creativity and connection we've made in our first colorful week together is both exciting and humbling. I'm completely awed by the sheer number of us participating, by the kindness and support flying around our Facebook page and Flickr pool, and by the art that you're all enthusiastically creating. This, for me, is what it's all about: to see artists, hobbyists and children alike come together for one common goal; to play with color and express what's on their minds and in their hearts. Thank you all for sharing your life and loves with us. You inspire me in more ways that you can imagine and for that I am incredibly grateful.

A Bit About Commenting:
Due to our ever-growing numbers, making our way around visiting everyone is a challenge in and of itself. To ensure that your work is being seen, you may want to consider (if you haven't done so already) sharing your art in the Facebook and / or Flickr groups as well as linking to the blog. This way, we can see a lot of work in one place, making it easier to drool over many pieces at once. Also, we all know that word verification is both a blessing and a curse: it's wonderful to be free of spam, but more difficult for others to get to us because of it. Should it work for you, you may want to consider eliminating word verification on your blogs during the course of our event. I think you'll find it easier to see and be seen by more of us because of it. It's totally up to you of course, but I wanted to pass that on. 

This Week:
We'll be working with our second two-color combination that you choose in last week's poll. Once again, the response was tremendous, with over 165 of us voting. It was a closer race this time around, but in the end, the prompt you choose - with 21% of the votes - was . . . 

Orange & Hot Pink

To see examples of the color Orange, click here
To see examples of the color Hot Pink, click here
To see examples of the combination of the two, click here

Now What?
Now we create! Feel free to make anything you want, as long as it's based upon our colors of the week. Remember, you have until Sunday of this week (June 23rd, 10:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time) to link to the widget below in order to qualify for the random Orange & Hot Pink drawing. Only one link per person, please.

Ready? Okay, Link!

And What Could We Win?
This beautiful collection of both vintage and new materials:

(A piece of gorgeous glittered cardstock in hot pink, several pages of vintage sheet music, two colorful vintage postcards, each stamped on the back and dated 1929, 2 rolls of washi tape in both orange polka dot and hot pink woodgrain, 2 ink pads in both orange and hot pink, 2 (4 oz) bottles of Artist's Loft acrylics, 1 bottle of Stickles glitter in bright orange, 2 Fimo bricks of soft modeling clay, and several vintage and new buttons, beads and Swarovski crystals in orange, pink and clear.) 

Remember, you have until this Sunday morning (10:00 Pacific Daylight Time) to link your work to be considered for the drawing.

Speaking of Random Drawing:
Who won last week's prize?
Congratulations go out to . . .

Michelle Mathey of Pigment of My Imagination

Yay Michelle! Please email me your address and I will get your prize package right out to you. 

And On To Our Next Poll:
Please vote (by Friday of this week) in the poll below to have your voice heard.

Week 3: Artist's Choice . . . free polls 

Now, Get Your Art On! 
I can't wait to see what you all come up with . . . .

Kristin xo


Valerie-Jael said...

Congrats to the lucky winner! Off to think about orange and pink....Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Kristin, I like that we have from Friday to Monday morning to prepare our color challenge. It makes it so much easier. I actually appreciate that we can see the results of the voting by the end of the week. Thanks for leaving it so we can see the results.

I learned I really like these two very hot colors, too. It was a lot of fun and I had a good time with this week's color choice. Thanks again for being such a fantastic hostess.

Kristin said...

Oh Thank you Bleubeard and Elizabeth! I really toyed with that, I'm glad to hear that it works for you. In the end, I thought that it may just be better for some to have a heads up after all. Glad to hear that it's more fun this way :) xoxo

Sharon said...

Wow Hot Pink & Orange - should be some amazing creations!!

Marianne said...

Another great challenge... love these colours...let's see what I can come up with it. Congrats to Michelle.
Thanks Kristin!
xxx Marianne MW

dawn said...

What a great first week for SOC, I loved looking at all the awesome projects everyone had. The colors were perfect for the start of summer and this week's choices look awesome too.

Congrats Michelle on winning, enjoy your prize!!

Thanks again Kristin for all you do!! Happy second week of SOC!

Alex said...

Congrats to Michelle!

Wow what a colour combination. I really have to think about this one...

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congrats Michelle! :) I'm looking forward to this week's colors. :)

aimee said...

i hoped this would be the color combo for this week!! sounds crazy -- but it's true!!

aimee said...

{'sounds crazy' meaning that I didn't look at the vote list for last week -- it just popped into my head as a perfect summer combo!}

Christine said...

Love this colour choice! Congrats to the lucky winner and thanks for hosting Kristin.

Erika said...

Thank you again for hosting this wonderful project, dear Kristin! So many wonderful things to see and to make - and to met all the wonderful artists.

Halle said...

This should be another fun week with some bright and wild results!!

Maryanne said...

The first week was fantastic, and having said that Citron Green and Turquoise is my favorite color combination, I have to say that this week's choice is my second favorite! Thanks for hosting, Kristin! And, congratulations to this week's winner!

Becs said...

Love these colour combos! And I voted for next week too. I think I'm all caught up! Thanks again for hosting. :)

scrapwordsmom said...

Love the new color combos:) Can't wait to play!!!

Rhonda Halushka said...

OMG these colors were the colors of my first apartment bathroom in San Francisco in the 60's!! It definitely woke me up in the mornings!! Looking forward to playing with these colors again... which actually I have been doing lately, got a bit of a hot colors bug this summer!

GlorV1 said...

Great colors. Congrats to Michelle. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful day everyone.

Carin said...

Excellent! That's a fab combo! I totally missed the deadline for last week because of the birthday shenanigans, but will post it on the facebook group or instagram later. Btw, is there a tag for instagram or flickr, or have i missed that. #soc2013?

Hope you survived the camping! It must be love ;)

Unknown said...

fab colors! Congrats Michelle!!

Unknown said...

another awesome color combo! can't wait to work on something with it!

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Love The Summer of Color- Color Combos! And Congrats to Michelle!
Happy Creating! Tee

Sharon Fritchman said...

I know that I am in awe of all of your talent and so grateful for all if your wonderful support! Summer of Color3 rocks!! I can't wait to get started on this week's challenge! Congrats to Michelle!

Fran said...

Sounds like fun. When will the link to post the work be open?

Fran said...

Sorry I entered twice the first time it was my general blogspot address.

Kristin said...

Hi Carin!
Thank you for the hashtag question. I just tired a few out and came up with this one that would be specific to us:
#SummerofColor3 . . .
Thank you! xo

Mary Ann Potter said...

I'm not accustomed to working in hot colors, but I surely loved this challenge! What fun this is! Looking forward to expanding my artistic horizons even more.

BJ said...

Well I never even thought to sneak a peek at the colour combo this week, just waited for your blog to appear. Love these colours together they are so scrumptious. Similar to last year's first combo, I just had to get my journal pages out to have a look see. Have just created my twinchie and my fingers are still orange and pink as I type BJ#13 this week.

Netty said...

Congrats to Michelle and thank you Kristin for the color examples which are most helpful. Annette x

Michellem said...

WHOO HOO - I'm so excited to have won the turquoise and green booty!! THANKS Kristin for sponsoring such a fun challenge!

GlorV1 said...

Love the orange and hot pink. Happy week to all.

Mandy said...

Yay...I have it done...thanks again Kristin for this wonderful

Cheri said...

This color combination was fun! Got my photography assignment done. Still want to play with art journaling, but have to finish last week's first!

Cameron said...

You are amazing! Look at all the fun and camaraderie, inspiration and happy art being made from your SOC Brainchild!

I'm so bummed I had to cancel our meeting...but you better believe I'll be ringing you as soon as we get back! We may be able to squeeze one in before school starts :)

Have a paint-filled Summer!

helena said...

another fun colour pair - I was blown away by all the art shared in week one - thank you so much for making this happen each summer

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed working with these bold colors!

AM Zafaran said...

Thank you Kristin for this chance to paint! I just submitted my second entry! Congrats to Michelle for the prize!

Linda Kunsman said...

congrats to the winner! and this color combo....YUMMMO!!! I LOVE working with vibrant colors!

sharon said...

Thanks Kirstin, love these colours.

JansArtyJunk said...

Love this weeks colours :)

Jez said...

Hot Pink and Orange just sparked my imagination straight away, and I have had such fun with it - and made my husband laugh at the results! Thank you for this one, and for the themes, they really do get my mind whizzing around!
Congratulations to Michelle.

Stitching Lady said...

I worked three days to create my orange-pink little thing (meal cooking, swimming, walking, friends meeting and much more things too were packed in) - I am just lucky to have had these colors with me - still in holidays....

Ginny said...

Hi Kristin, I want to thank you for hosting this wonderful challenge. It is just what I needed to encourage me to start using brighter colors.

Denise Price said...

These colors really got me thinking, and I'm so pleased with the scrapbook page that I created. Thanks for the inspiration!

Prairie Jill said...

I'm loving this challenge! Orange and hot pink are definitely not colours I would usually work with - which is what I love about the challenge. Can't wait to see what everyone does with it.

Sharon said...

Fabulous colour combo for this week - just added my creation! Can't wait for next weeks colour reveal!!

Unknown said...

Going into these summer challenges I never expected to have the result that I have had. So many people have commented on my use of the gelli plate and emailed me of their interest that I'm doing a week long workshop on the Art of the Gelli! This week's orange/hot pink theme inspired a slew of half finished 'pulls' but I had to go with Monday's piece because it was finished! This is just a fabulous group of artists...I am humbled in your presence!

Paper rainbow said...

SO please to join the fun this week, ran short of time last week! Couldn't bear to miss out on the shock pink! :)

Anonymous said...

Hej! aimee from artsyville pinted to me to your site... looks like fun! perhaps I'll haev a colorful bird or such for the next theme too!
Jana @ TangledPen

Nicolette Anderson said...

Loved this weeks challenge!

dawn said...

Hi Kristin, I just posted and added a little twist to my colors. Thanks again for making the summer more fun and COLORFUL. I tell you these colors were jumping out at me all week, love this!! HUGS!!

Unknown said...

I voted now and will have pictures of my new pieces up by Saturday.

Ariel said...

This week's colors have been a challenge but I'm happy that I tried using them. Hope to see another wonderful color combo for next week.

bellefrogworks said...

This challenge really inspires me to paint and draw. Thanks for hosting Kristin.

Anonymous said...

I am really liking this challenge ... I have three boys, so orange and pink are not my go to colors usually. Fun to mix it up!

Unknown said...

I am much happier with this colour combination that I expected to be, using as it does two of my least favourite colours - I actually like my end results. Thanks.

Lynne Larkin said...

I was a bit late coming upon this site. So I did two weeks to catch up. I think this will help to explore using a wider variety of colors in my work.
Anyway, I had a fun.

Unknown said...

Just entered my zendoodle for the 2nd week of Colors of Summer. It's not what I had wanted but it was fun to make anyway. Hope it comes out clear. Congrats to last weeks winner.

Deborah Weber said...

Nice fiery hot colors to usher in the new season. Thanks for hosting Kristin.

creativelenna said...

i just posted my hOT piNK and Orange -- i just love that combo. T h a n k Y O U for hosring Kristin :D

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Hi and happy Summery Weekend, Kristin! I am officially on vacation and lovin it! This is so much fun, and now I can enjoy your incredible Color Challenge even more! Woot! I loved playing with this color combo! Hugs, kath

Salla said...

I'm glad I had time to make some quick chunky pages today, because I really liked this colour combo! Am looking forward to the reveal of the next colours.

Unknown said...

I think I forgot to comment when I entered my index card last night but I just added a small canvas.

Beansieleigh said...

Ding, ding, there goes the bell, and here comes Tina, sliding just to get her link in, just in the nick of time!! ha! ha! I had fun though, and look forward to participating again!.. Hope everybody's having a great weekend!

Denise said...

Thank-You Dear Kristen ! My Sister's art journal is already looking good.Count Me in please-just made it :)

Denise said...

Thank-You Dear Kristen ! My Sister's art journal is already looking good.Count Me in please-just made it :)

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Made a trio of origami window stars using orange and pink translucent paper. Enjoyed trying this color combination with patterns I enjoy doing. It continues to amaze me how different stars can look - even if they have the same pattern - by the combination of colors used.

lorik said...

A great new challenge - inspiring. I added another pic to my post especially.
Sorry I accently posted twice - would you mind removing the "Lori" one with no link. Thanks.

Annie Claxton said...

Thanks for another inspiring combo Kristin - now I'm off to see what amazing creations everyone else has come up with. Annie C x

Sabrina said...

Completed 2 out of 2 weeks. Yeah! I feel like I'm always at the end of the linky list. I just can't decide what I want to do until the end of the week!

Unknown said...

oooops...I never read the one link per person and had added another. Sorry!

Carmen said...

Eep! Think I'm scraping in by a whisper! By the way - am I missing your creations? I know I'm a bit behind with everyone...

Aranthe said...

Whew, that was close! I didn't think I'd finish in time.

Anonymous said...

Finally - hot pink and orange is finished!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally - hot pink and orange is finished!!!!

sugar Creek said...

Wow after 3 times on my ipad it wouldn't let me for some weird reason, I finally put mine on here! Wow this list is huge it's awesome!!

E Makes Art said...

Hiya!! This is so fun, even tho I'm so behind!!! Hee hee
