Monday, May 11, 2015

SOC5: Let the Countdown Begin!

"I'm excited about what the future will bring and I think the best is yet to come."
- Alonzo Mourning

Okay. It's official. With just three itty-bitty weeks before The Summer of Color 5 begins, it's time to start counting down to the fun! Beginning of course, with some of our SOC traditions. 

One of my favorite ways to get the color mojo going, is to watch a video I first shared 5 years ago when The Summer of Color was just a baby. She's grown up a lot since then, but this one is worth revisiting. Plus, since it's been a part of our party from the beginning, I think it only fitting that in this, the anniversary of our 5th year together, we start from the top. So, without further adieu, check out this absolutely fabulous video from artist Holton Rower. . . .

Dreamy, right? Doesn't it make you want to pull out your old acid wash jeans and get pouring? (Yeah, me too). 

Speaking of growing up, I'm terribly excited to report that this year, the SOC is turing it up a notch. Along with our traditional play, we're introducing some new elements that - although top secret until our introductory week beginning June 1st - I hope you'll agree are quite exciting. After all, I gotta keep you guessing somehow! 

Oh, and about that: I've been asked a lot of questions over the years about The Summer of Color and how it all began. Should you have a question about the SOC that you'd like to have answered, please do ask away. Anything and everything is fair game. You can post your questions here in the comments below or over here in our Facebook group. I'll compile them all and get back to you the week before we begin. 

Yes? Okay, yes. Wheeeeeeee. . . .

To being officially official,
Kristin xo


  1. Waiting for the fun to begin.:)

  2. Looking forward to it, too! CU soon, hugs, Valerie

  3. 5 years- woohoo! That's awesome, my friend. xoxox

  4. Looking forward to SOC 2015 and all your wonderful twist and turns!

    Mo:-) xxx

  5. Can we stand the excitement?!!!!!
    What. a video, thanks!

  6. YEEEHaaa!!! The tension is mounting to fever pitch. Bring it on!! :D

  7. SOC is one of my annual highlights, I'm so looking forward to it.

    And you are such a tease about what's coming :D


  8. WHOOO WHOOO! (Yes, I am sat here mimicking pulling a train whistle! I am THAT excited!)

    Cannot wait!

  9. YAY-won't be long now-can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for us this year!

  10. Can't wait to hear about what is new this year!!

  11. 3 weeks and counting!!!!

    I've marked it on my calendar with a big smiley face :)

    Happy Happy Happy

    Karen x

  12. Oh WOW Kristin... I can't believe the first SOC was five years ago... and this years sounds even more exciting :) can't wait to hear what is in store... loved loved the video X

  13. I'm passionate about colour! This sounds like great fun. Can I sign up to receive notices?

  14. its sounds very exciting!!!
