Monday, May 18, 2015

SOC5: Two Weeks & Counting. . . .

"We could all learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box."
- Robert Fulghum


We have just two, teeny-tiny weeks to go before all is revealed for The Summer of Color 5! And let me tell you, this is one year not to be missed. Sooooo, whether you're finding us for the first time or are chomping at the bit for another go, I promise you a Summer full drippy, colorful fun!

BUT, since we do have to wait a bit, why not try our hand at a color quiz? Can YOU name all the colors? (hint: I could not. humph.)

To Love & The Love of Color,
Kristin xo


  1. WOW! 2 short weeks until SOC! I cannot wait, Kristin! and thanks so much for the fun quiz! I only got 7 right - I need HELP! LOL!!!!!

  2. Looking forward to the start! Hugs, Valerie

  3. The suspense is building! Yay! Tough quiz, I will try it.

  4. Fun test, did better than I thought I would.....LOL
    Looking forward to SOC again this year.

  5. So excited this year. I was nervous last year, my first year, but this year the excitement has taken over. :o))

  6. Missed a few, tee hee. Looking forward to June. Yay!

  7. Ten right, but I would have gotten a few more if I listened to my first thought!

  8. Same here, need to stick with first instinct - only 7!

  9. Cannot WAIT to get started though I need to decide on my picture theme for this year....may be a little challenged as I will be away on vacation for part of it but I am definetly IN!!!!

  10. Can't wait for this years challenges, got 13/15 would have got the other two if I hadn't stopped to think twice. x

  11. Fun test! I did better than I thought I would and was ready to argue with the screen over a couple (ahem!)

  12. That was fun-only got 10 but it said I got the harder ones right-go figure:)

  13. That was fun! I got 12 right and surprised myself!

  14. Hahahaha! Colour is so my thing, but I only got 5 right! It said I had limited knowledge! Thanks for the fun quiz.

  15. I only got 10 right--I was doing well until I started "over thinking" it! Can't wait for SOC!

  16. Oh dear..... apparently I need to brush up on colours other than primary!!!!

    Can't wait for SOC 5

    Karen x

  17. Good grief - that test was harder than I expected -
    Can't wait for Summer of Color 5!

  18. Wow! I totally forgot about the summer of color. Hope I get to join again. :) I totally suck at the color game though. Only got 6 right. :)

  19. So excited! I only got 6 right :)

  20. 9 right-again, should have listened to instinct!
    So excited!!

  21. Even with a degree in art, I got most of them wrong! Looking forward to SOC....

  22. Like Sheila, color is my thing but I got only a handful correct. I really disagree with some of the answers they gave. Maybe my computer screen didn't give me the right colors.

  23. I was rubbish ROFL. What fun. Lets do it again. Hugz
