Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nine Years Today . . .

"Memory Jar" adorned with Swarovski crystals and beads
(made several years ago)

"A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then it's too late."
-- Frank Sinatra

Kristin xo


Janet said...

Happy Anniversary!! And here's to many, many more happy years together.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I love the jar. It is really pretty.

Joanna said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!! Love the jar, and Frank's quote is so funny!!


Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Anniversary, and many, many more to come! *Marriages are made in Heaven* Valerie

Mandel said...

Congratulations, Kristin :) !!!
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely jar. I hope that one day I can look back on something like this, too ;-)

I hope you are going to have many many years of happiness with your husband!

Mandel :)

Anonymous said...

oh my how beautiful,, congratualtions,, how rmantic this memory jar is,,

Netty said...

Congratulations to you both. A jar full of love. x

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! That is such a sweet jar Kristin. I love the crystals on the bottom. LOVE it!

K J D said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!

Your jar is so precious and sweet, such a perfect idea.

Lots of love and happy wishes


manomij said...

I love these jars and saw one for the very first time at a craft market this weekend. How lovely to see one again so soon. Sweet celebrations

Unknown said...

Oh Kristin!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!! I love this special Memory Jar....that is the coolest thing ever!!! love the crystals do you do that?

Joanna said...

Oh my gosh this is so cute!!! & Happy Anniversary to you & your hubby :D xoxo

smudry said...

So beautiful! I love this, I love you guys and have a wonderful anniversary!

joanna said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!! I love your jar Krisin! and anything that Frank says ;)

Lesley Edmonds said...

Happy Anniversary!

Joyce said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

sugar Creek said...

Happy Anniversary!!! That just is just wonderful! xx

E Makes Art said...

ooh... purdy jar! Happy anniversary!! Here's to many more happy years *clinck go the coffee mugs*
Love that quote..haha!


Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Oh! Happy anniversary!

Daniele Valois said...

Happy happy happy anniversary to all of you! I adore this piece. I saw it the other day Nd swooned. I love your dress and makes me want ti whip little old wedding pics! I wish I could see it closer. You look so beautiful!

thekathrynwheel said...

What a wonderful keepsake. Happy anniversary.

Heather Henry said...

Happiest Anniversary to you! What a lovely jar! Hope you were able to do something wonderful together!

JessiVille said...

Congratulations you two! Hope you enjoy many many more years together! The anniversary jar is gorgeous!!!

Jessi xox

Julia Christie said...

Beautiful Jar! Happy Anniversary!!!

Smiles and hugs

Geckostone said...

Wow this is soooooo sweet! Congrats! Deb

Anonymous said...


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