Thursday, February 9, 2012

2 Girls, 2 Journals, 1 Week . . .

"Journaling One Week"
Watercolor and Wallpaper Journal

I laughed out loud when I saw it. I was reading our friend Daniele's blog a few weeks ago when I saw a gorgeous photo she posted of a latte resting on top of the newest issue of Stampington's Art Journaling. She mentioned that she'd just been on an "alone date" and was thrilled with her coffee and new source of inspiration. Ironically, I got out of the house that day too and did the same thing! A latte and the latest Art Journaling was the way I too choose to spend a few moments alone . . . .

Well, one thing led to another and we got to talking. We discussed how although we've both done journal entries before, that at least for me, it never really included the journaling part. We wanted to give this style of art a real try, but agreed that we needed to come up with something that could be completed in a reasonable amount of time. That idea lead to what you see here: the journal entries of two girls - who's lives are filled with art and kids - completed in just one week.

The concept was to spend just an hour a day working on what would become seven journal pages. If you're laughing now, it's because you already know what I didn't: that we would both end up spending every spare moment on it, pouring our hearts and souls into what has become a true reflection of our innermost thoughts, if only for one week.

Here's what I came up with:

To see the beautiful (ok, fabulous and moving) pages Daniele created, please check hers out here.

Thank you for your visit! I so appreciate your time . . . .

Linking to PPF and Just Journals. Thank you Kristin, Eva and Marcia Beckett!

Kristin xo


Daniele Valois said...

I love it I love it! The slideshow is so great and the pictures are so gorgeous. Everything you make just screams you and it is all so lovely and heartfelt. How are you so amazing? Now, I am loving that little close-up of the nest! and where to do find all these great clip art pieces and paper clothes???

Carolyn Dube said...

The art alone is wonderful but the story behind it adds so much more to it!!!!! Wow!!

Christine said...

your journal is very beautiful and creative!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great idea! It's wonderful when you get let go and create quickly to journal in real time.

Debbie said...

Gorgeous pages! What a fun idea and beautifully only a week? Wow! I love the flickr slideshow insert. I've got to learn how to do that.

Tracey FK said...

so relieved that you worked for more than an hour a day to create that... otherwise I would have to retire from journalling... what a great project and seriously wonderful results...happy ppf xx

Kokopelli said...


apinkdreamer said...

wonderful art!

Carin said...

What a fun idea! And the pages are wonderful! Love it! xoxo

Valerie-Jael said...

Great idea and lovely work! Hugs, Valerie

Jenny said...

Oh Kristin, your art journal is DIVINE... the luscious, gorgeous pages... the beautiful color palette... your sweet girls and the awesome lettering... I LOVE it... what a wonderful project to share with Daniele... and what a lovely way to spend a week :))

Jenny x

Lesley Edmonds said...

Oh Kristin this is WONDERFUL! You should do more journaling!!! Sometimes it helps us to share a project with someone else - it focuses us! Brilliant pages.

Catherine Denton said...

Breathtaking! Love how you say so much with so little words and gorgeous paintings. You and Daniele are making me want to journal!
Catherine Denton

Unknown said...

Your journal is wonderful and beautiful. You make very lovely pages that are all you. I'm glad that you had fun with this project. I'm having my first attempt at art journaling this year as I follow along with Effy Wild's Book of Days project. It had been fun to play and not worry so much about everything being perfect.

carlarey said...

This is beautiful, something to pull out and marvel over again and again.

SHERI COOK said...

This is wonderful and I am in love with the Bird carrying the PLAY note! Splendid.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook

Jennibellie said...

Beautiful! You both did such awesome jobs, I recently did a one week journal too and found it so therapeutic for a bad week, tfs xx

sugar Creek said...

Wow that is just beautiful and I love the bright colors you used!! Love love! xx

EVA said...

Fabulous pages and incredible idea!

I love the birdies!

Netty said...

Terrific pages and love the fab colours and that great lettering. Enjoy the weekend, Hugs Annette x

Annabelle said...

Like Netty, I too love the lettering and colours...beautifully done.

Tammie Lee said...

it looks like you had a wonderful time, your pages are awesome!

Diane said...

Love these pages Kristin! And a wonderful way of journaling with another friend--thanks so much for sharing this story-I love it!

*jean* said...

beautiful!! happy PPF!

Angenita said...

Sounds like you've had a wonderfull week. You made some great pages! Have to warn you, this is addictive, but quite harmless :)

Cameron said...

This is wonderful!! Sometimes it just takes a nudge and an eager hand to hold to dive into something wholeheartedly!! I bet you feel amazing after completing a week's worth of thoughts and drawings in your journal!!!
It certainly LOOKS amazing!!

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome--what a fun idea!

Heather Henry said...

Kristin, you are so talented. What a fantastic journal and I can't believe you both completed these in one week. That is amazing. I love the one Let Go, with Perfect crossed out. Well, I love them all, haha! But that one definitely struck me. What a super fun project, so happy to get to see it all put together. You guys are awesome!
Happy weekend to you!! :)

Unknown said...

Absolutely lovely!

K J D said...

That was an inspiring and wonderful start to my day :)

Thankyou for sharing.


Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Looks amazing! Can't imagine doing all that in a week. :)

froebelsternchen said...

oh wow.. gorgeous!

Ginny said...

This was incredible. I loved the slide show. I have just started journaling and it is so much fun. Yours was beautiful.

scarlett clay said...

This is just THE coolest thing ever, I adore this world of art journaling, so glad I can see yours( and Daniele's!) ...I really feel like I'm looking into an amazing shop window and can't move I'm so enthralled with all the color and detail, and what a cool slideshow!!


Mandy said...

Amazing as always kristin ..i have been crook and unable yo get my art on..hopefully this week...take

peggy gatto said...

How grand is this!!!!!!!

Heather Foust said...

You girls did a great job. What a great challange! Your use of colors are wonderful!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

I LOVE it! I just read Daniele's and think the idea is fabulous. What beautiful work you created and in such a fun way. Looking forward to round two! Maybe, 3 girls, 3 journals - 1 week. lol. :)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what a wonderful project you two have had!!! both your journals are amazing, and all in one week! thank you for sharing,
hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

Lori Heald said...

Well once again you haven proven to be a wonderful talent! I am so very proud of you darlin! All I can say is WOOOOOOW! 'ole mom'

E Makes Art said...!!! What a beautiful keepsake! A seriously gorgeous journal!!! I just want to climb into the photos to take a closer look!! And speaking of... your photos are gorgeous!!! You just keep getting better and better girl!!
