Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
-- Charles M. Schultz

Kristin xo


SoSoBella said...

happy heart day to you too!!!! hope to be in the desert soon. would love to see you :)

K J D said...

too true :)

thank you for your lovely comments btw... you always make me smile!


Daniele Valois said...

Gorgeous! How ever did you control yourself???

Daniele Valois said...

uh, I just blew my day too! but oh so yummy goodness in my tummy right now. Ok...back on!

Valerie-Jael said...

Have a great day! Just been eating some chocolate here! Hugs, Valerie

Jenny said...

How delicious Kristin... love the red heart... and the quote...

Happy Valentines Day...
Jenny x

Mandy said...

lol...right back at you...xxx

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. That is all ;)

Netty said...

Chocolate definitely makes our love grow stronger..........mmmmmm that cake looks good. Happy Valentines Day Kristin, x

Anonymous said...

oh my my my, yum!
Happy Valentines Day

E Makes Art said...

oh yummy! chocolate makes everything better :-) Happy Valentine's Day to you too!! The show was fantastic!! I was going to bug you to go there, but the week just flew by so darn fast, next thing I knew it was a few hours before the show, lol!! I will tell more later and be back to check the posts I missed...


Scarlett Clay said...

You can say that again! What a yummy cupcake,too, I love chocolate in any form! :)
*well, since you asked (lol)I was talking about my fav choc. bar in the world...The 'Lindt Excellence' Dark with a touch of Sea Salt. They sell them at our corner store and my husband and I share one every Sat. night. :) Hope you had a great day!

joanna said...

That looks so yummy! Hope you had a beautiful Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

This is so true.

Unknown said...

And to you art friend! Trusting that you had a blessed and loving day and that all of your days are filled with art and love. *smiles* Norma

ArtSings1946 said...

Ooops, I'm a day late. Happy belated day to you. Love the quote ... but then I love Charlie Brown.

Happiness to all.