Thursday, October 13, 2011

Paint Party Friday (Week 31)

"Hello, Bird." 
16 x 20 Canvas Panel

(Bird & Crown clip art from The Graphics Fairy)

Whew . . . she's done! Now I can return to my regular Mommy-ing schedule . . . 

Thanks to Eva & Kristin for hosting this wonderful Party!

Kristin xo


GlorV1 said...

Love the title. Awesome piece, great colours. Happy PPF Kristin, enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy paint Party Friday, she's a beauty!!

Daniele Valois said...

WONDERFUL my love!~

Mandy said...

Oh kristin..think she is my all time computer needs to go back to manufacturer sa she is broken so maybe ppf if I can figure out how to do it properly on my love this...she looks great on the side of my blog as a thumbnail

Cameron said...

She turned out so sweetly! Love, love those colors :D

Scarlett Clay said...

Hello wonderful!!

oooooh so fun!! turned out the black and white of the bird and swirly background..really really cool!

Robin Panzer Art said...

How sweet! I love that you made her hair blue too! Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

oh how sweet! I like the blue hair too and the birds are a great focal point. Happy PPF! :-)

Sunshineshelle said...

Perfect, just gorgeous colours!! She is sweet as any princess I've seen :) Back to mommy-ing schedule? Not while you still have paint ;) Happy PPF!

Jenny said...

Oh Kristin, she is BEAUT-I-FUL... love her :))

Jenny x

Unknown said...

Very sweet piece Kristin.

Anonymous said...

she's beautiful. i love the swirly background and the colours are just lovely!

Valerie-Jael said...

And she is beautiful! Love the colours, the clarity and everything! Valerie

Kristin said...

very cute!! I love how her hair and the swirls come together :)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Look at that birdie! :) Painting turned out fabulous!

Joanna said...

Oh I LOVE this girl with her sparkly eyes and lips! Great title, and the crown and bird are sweet sweet sweet!


Sharon said...

Love the vibrant colours!!! Gorgeous image!

Mandel said...

This is great! I love the happy colours!! :) I like how you worked in the crown and the birdies :)

Lesley Edmonds said...

Fab title for this one Kristin and she is GORGEOUS!! I love her little crown and bird and her hair and her face and ooooo-everything!!
Happy PPF.

Unknown said...

She is so pretty. I love the green and blue swirls and her eyes. Your made a great piece. Thanks for stopping by and enjoying the Autumn colors on my blog.

carlarey said...

Your swirls are wonderful!! Love the unexpected angle, and how you used the two background colors in her eyes.

carol l mckenna said...

very delightful painting ~ Love her eyes especially ! ~ thanks, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) ~ happy PPF ^_^

Unknown said...

your princess is perfect..the colors are eye candy..and I love all the swirls in the bakground and her hair. I really like those eyes and lips on her too. the crown and bird really pop in just the right feel too very good my friend

- KAT -

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous colors for the princess! Faye

Janet said...

Love her! She's bright and happy and her eyes look so sparkly. I can never get enough of swirls.

Karen Isaacson said...

oh - the way her hair and the background play off each other is just so cool!

Yvonne said...

She is lovely and adding the free clip art is a great idea.

Lilac & Lavender said...

Love the vibrant colors you used! Her eyes are amazing, they really pop with that touch of yellow :) Perfect title for your sweet lady!! Happy PPF!

JessiVille said...

She is beautiful Kristin! I love the colors you worked her in and all the swirls. My kind of girl!
Jessi xox

Carol said...


Unknown said...

What a sweet piece Kristin!!!!! I love the bright and cheery colours!!! your work always makes me smile!!!

Tracey FK said...

I am loving seeing this finished and you should head over to my friend Art by Jaz an look at her work... I think you would love it. I could see our work hanging together!

EVA said...

Really lovely! And such great colours.

SHERI COOK said...

Adore that little bird she is holding. Great piece. Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

This is sooooo beautiful.. I just love those big eyes.. They are perfect!!

Hugs, Linda

Christine said...

I love these colours and how you have worked the background in!

Marlene said...

Beautiful, love the color and the swirly hair and background. The bird is adorable.

Heather Henry said...

Love, love, love! Everything about it!

peggy gatto said...

There you go again.....creating delightful and colorful art. Your style is YOURS!!!
I love it!

Kristin Dudish said...

It turned out beautifully - I'm sure your friend is going to love it (especially the bird)! hee hee


Unknown said...

How wonderful, the bird and crown are so lovely and beautifully done. Tracey Fletcher King is right, you should look at Art by Jaz, she works in a similar style to you.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful piece.

Ella said...

She is stunning! I love the vibrant details; she has so much cheer!

Heather Foust said...

Love this piece. The colors are great!!

Heather Henry said...

Hi there, just wanted to let you know I have an award for you on my blog. The post will show up tomorrow morning. Cheers to you! :)

JKW said...

You had me at Hello, Bird. I love how you have incorporated the background and part of the picture, everything flows, but the little Bird is adorable. Blessings, Janet

Fallingladies said...

love her, backgroung and hair are so cool!

Geckostone said...

Kristin, she is adorable and I just love the little bird, what a sweet touch! You made my day seeing your quote from your 6 year old about " Gecky" on my blog! Yipeeee another lizard lover on the block! Hugs, Deb

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

She is fabulous Kristin!! I am in love with the bright aqua "swirlies." :) I am SO, SO glad that you have joined PPF!! :)

Natasha said...

Wow! You must be very pleased. I love all the swirls.

Jaz Higgins said...

Hi Kristin! So nice to 'meet' you! :) I'm loving your work as well. I especially love the little crown on this one! :) So cute.

Jingle said...

She is just gorgeous! Such brilliant colors! I really love this!!!

Heather said...

Now this is just plain FUN!!!!! Love the colors and GLITTER!!!!!!!!! Excellent...

Amy said...

she's gorgeous holding her little birdie..I love it..her hair is so whimsical. Sorry I've not been around..I will be more around after November..I signed up to a Holiday Fest art show here having to prepare more creations for that will probably be my last..too time consuming for me with 4 kids! LOL

E Makes Art said...

Hi friend!! Love this!! She's so sweet with her little bird (hee hee)! Great colors and I love that swirly background!!


joanna said...

Hi Kristin :) trying to catch up on everyone's blog.. your little girl is sooo pretty!! love her eyes and all the swirls! what a happy painting!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm glad you like Jaz's work! Tracey xx

Heather said...

very sweet! she's lovely :D