Thursday, October 20, 2011

Paint Party Friday (Week 32)

"You Are Here"
4 x 6 


I've been bit by the painting bug lately, thanks to the weekly art and imagination found over at Paint Party Friday. . . big hugs to Eva and Kristin for their time and dedication in hosting this beautiful community.

"You Are Here" was inspired by the directional maps often found in large malls in which a red dot shows the pedestrian (or lost shopper ;) their location. I used both Golden Acrylics and Caran D' Ache watercolor crayons in addition to a bit of Stickles glitter on the heart, er dot . . .

Thanks for stopping by: to see more painterly pieces, check out the Party for yourself . . . 

Kristin xo


Scarlett Clay said...

This is sweet, the little dot is really fun, I've seen those! I'm glad you've been bitten by the paint bug because I love to see what you come up with! :)

Daniele Valois said...

oh, she is so fun! Love the dot! ...Mine will totally be up tomorrow!

Ella said...

I love her eyes; you always paint such amazing ones :D
I am getting bitten by the paint bug, too. I love the idea behind your art~

Theresa said...

Hi Kristen, She is super cute with those big eyes! Love the colors. Glad to see you at PPF! Theresa

Anonymous said...

Very cute :) I like those big eyes too and the subtle shading is lovely. :)

Janet said...

She's so cute! I especially like her big eyes and the purple-y color.

Joanna said...

Oh she's a cutie, Kristen! Love the 'You are here' and the button over her heart, sweet sweet sweet!

Great shading on her face - you make it look so easy (but I know it isn't)!


Anonymous said...

oh she is adorable! her eyes are amazing and the 'you are here' concept is so clever!

Joni Nickrent said...

Love her...the big eyes and the You are here dot are too fun! POP ART MINIS

Cameron said...

How cute is this concept!?
Clever girl!!

Netty said...

Happy PPF Kristin. Loving your idea of the red dot, but this little girl reminds me so much of your lovely daughter. Annette x

Diane said...

What a great piece. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning!

carlarey said...

So cute! What a great sentiment for the piece and the title. You should make greeting cards with this image.

Heather Henry said...

I love it! Very clever, you are here, on the heart. I always love the colors you use, so bright and cheery!

Anonymous said...

Love her! She is so cute and the sentiment is fabulous too. Lovely work Kristin!

SHERI COOK said...

I find your piece this week very clever and so delightful. Happy PPF!

EVA said...

She is so cute! Great eyes - with all the yellow and gold, she reminds me of the photo of your daughter on the sidebar. Lovely!!

Jingle said...

WOW! She is fabulous!!!!!

Mary C. Nasser said...

What a sweet, beautiful painting.
I really love it.

I also LOVE maps, so was immediately drawn in by the title "You Are Here!" Have even had a solo show myself with that title. :)

Happy PPF!!
Mary C. Nasser Art Blog

Anonymous said...

She's adorable. Those big Liz Taylor purple eyes just pull one into the painting. I like the sparkly heart.

Lesley Edmonds said...

She is lovely Kristin - those eyes!!!! and a lovely sentiment having the dot over her heart.
Happy PPF x

Kristin Dudish said...

This is such a beautiful idea - the placement of the red dot over her heart is perfect!


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

She is adorable and quite an inspiration. :)

K J D said...

Oh Kristin... wish I had the same painting bug as you..... I have been emulsioning walls forever!

Your piece is stunning.... love the red dot :)

Have a great weekend


carol l mckenna said...

Adorable work and so well done ~ Love it! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

Christine said...

oh look at those eyes! Nice mall inspiration too!

Julie said...

Omg! I love her!

A'n'G Johnson said...

love the you are here idea

Joanna said...

Awww, I simply love the message that this little girl tells :) It makes me want to go out & make an actual sticker with this saying on it... love love love!


Fars Datter said...

Awww, that is SO sweet! The red dot where the heart is! Love that idea! :-)

Natasha said...

Wow. I love the dot! Such expressive eyes, she is gorgeous.

manomij said...

Purple and yellow yeaaah!!
Great eyes.

Tracey FK said...

love the you are here dot... thinking I need to dot a few people I love... happy PPF xx

Robin Panzer Art said...

Clever! Love those huge eyes too! Happy PPF! ~#19 on PPF-Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

Jenny said...

She is super sweet Kristin... and I love the red dot... you are here... that is so clever... sounds like a fun time :))

Jenny x

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

So pretty! I havent had time this past week to play with pages and paints and I miss it terribly. How is school going lately for your sweet little daughter? Is she excited for Halloween? Costume? :)

Teri said...

Wow, those eyes!!!! Such a cutie.

Unknown said...

I do really love your works!!!! Pretty indeed!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the concept behind this piece. The ideas of knowing right where you are, even though you are lost is thought provoking. It begs the question. Do we ever really know where we are?

Mandel said...

I love the look on her face and the big hair :) Nice idea using one of those dots! :)

Amy said...

she's a SWEETIE face..Love vibrant..her eye's are amazing.
I'll have to check out the blog challenges..

joanna said...

She's adorable Kristin!! I need to check out this challenge. looks like a lot of fun :)

K J D said...

Hi Kristin

YES! I am going to be doing the other class in the new year too.... I thought this one would get me warmed up!!!

Hope you had a good weekend


Joanna said...

Kristin I always enjoy your visits :) I'm not registered for life book...I've tossed the idea around, sounds like fun...I'll have to give it some more thought! xoxo

Heather Foust said...

She is sooo cute!

Morph Waffle said...

How sweet, super piece, love the concept, great one!

E Makes Art said...

Ahh... you are so darn clever. I love this!!


Tahnya Marie said...

Hi Kristin! Thank you for your comments about the new look of my blog. I am in the beginning stages of a new project that I am hoping will work out well, so I thought I would give my blog a makeover. I mailed the doll last week or perhaps the week before, I can not remember at the moment. *smiles* It should be there soon.

soraya nulliah said...

Dear Kristin-thanks so much for stopping by my blog-and your well wishes. I am still trying to track down the new Somerset issue!!