Friday, January 31, 2014

Blues & Greens: Work in Progress . . .

"A work in progress. And the possibilities are endless." 
-- Elizabeth Eulberg

Happy PPF!

I hope this finds you with paint under your fingernails. I've been busy in the studio this week working on a 5 canvas project in the colors of blues & greens. I'm almost finished - well okay, I have 2 more to go - but in the meantime, I thought I'd share some of the work in progress. Ready? Okay, here goes: 

"He Spies" WIP

"He Peeps Out" WIP

"But She's Too Late!" WIP

Fingers crossed, I should have the whole thing done by this time next week. Then, perhaps, it will all makes sense . . . . Until then, I wish you a happy and creative week. And if you've yet to get paint under your fingernails, I hope you'll join me in making pretty messes soon.

Kristin xo


Christine said...

lovely blues and greens Kristin!

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Love the blues/greens and gold together. So pretty!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the colours, looking forward to seeing it finished! Valerie

Faye said...

Such gorgeous color combinations.

Unknown said...

Wow you really have my interest. I love the colors and textures and can't wait to see them finished. Thanks for looking at my project.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Pretty and bright, just what we need these cold days! I noticed your SOC badge today -- putting it on my blogs right away!

Netty said...

Beautiful wip's and love the colour combinations. Happy PPF, Annette G

Cindy D. said...

Fantastic color! And that face is so cool! Looking forward to the finished work!

Linda Kunsman said...

I love this color combo! Your painted faces are so beautiful -love the house too...can't wait to the end results. Happy PPF!

Carin said...

Yep, you're definitely talking my love language missus. Well done! Can't wait to see more! xoxo

Studio Kaufmann said...

Kristin lovely your beautiful sea colors and sparkly bits. Happy PPF

Sarah (wonderstrumpet) said...

I love these so much!! I love the random bits of text and hashmarks. I can't wait to see where you go next!

Ginny said...

You have used two of my favorite colors. I can't wait to see what you do next.

Shilpa Nagaonkar said...

Hey Kristin! how are you doing?
Waiting to see what are you coming up with these fab colors :)

Annabelle said...

Lovely colour combos and the face is very sweet with those beautiful big eyes.

: ) PPF Annabelle

Giggles said...

Ooh I'm so excited!! I look forward to this gorgeous compilation...I love what I see so far!!

Hugs Giggles

Virginia said...

Oh that's gorgeous, love the colours

marynbtol said...

Beautiful work! I always end up using these colors!

K J D said...

Gorgeous colours and textures Kristin.... really looking forward to visiting next week to see the developments!

Karen x

Jenny said...

Looking gorgeous Kristin... and just LOVE the delicious color palette... can't wait to see more...

Jenny ♥

Jeannette said...

OOhh Thats amazing,wonderful green blue colors and beautiful texture,i will see when they finished.
your blog its wonderful,all things you maked its awesome,love your paintings and the fairy in the glasses,its beautiful altered creation,i find your blog now and iam facineded,i will often see your blog.

Lovely greetings Jeannette

Unknown said...

Truly beautiful!!! Your work always inspires!! Always!

DVArtist said...

Wow this is going to be a strong piece. There is so much texture and I really like the colors

Terri Corona said...

Love them! Especially "He Spies" - what's that diagonal striped piece with the title on it? Did you paint those stripes? I'm intrigued!

Unknown said...

I like your color pallet. Thanks for sharing.

joanna said...

So glad I came over to visit! such pretty colours, Kristen! I can't wait to see your finished project.
xoxo hugs to the munchkin xoxo

Alex said...

Kristin, the colour look gorgeous together and your work in progress looks promising. I'll definitely stay tuned...

Natasha said...

Love those colours together and your use of texture is scrumptious.